Saturday, June 21, 2014

Happily Ever After

My little sister, Darlin

and her love, Jan, exchanged marriage vows today...
There is love. 
And they shared their happily ever after with a bunch of people who arrived in a field on a Sun Valley ranch, and then sat in motley groups on hay bales. 

 {LOVE sang sweeter than the guitars that played through the air when the loved groom kissed the beloved bride}

{Love cluttered every breath, fed every dream, billowed in the silky swirls of her wedding dress, and glittered in the gold of their wedding rings}

{There was LOVE bigger than words to explain it}

{Love drenched my sister and her husband, soaked her to the core, the constant pull on her universe keeping them dancing a close orbit}

{LOVE danced around ankles, glittered on flower girls skirts and blue bows.}

{Darlin's love for Jan is the song her blood dances to, what makes the planets spin and the sun shine so brightly}

{His love for her filled the sky with stars and fiery sunsets, makes home wherever they are together, and paints laughter through the day}

{LOVE curled between them when they met nine years ago, clung to their shoulders and shouted to the heavens}
{Love beams rudely, exultantly at everyone who looks at them, while they are busy watching each other.}

Know that there is love, and their love shone brightly in the smiles of people who mattered. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Embrace the glorious mess that you are

But we were in it together, the Mac and cheese making. He leaned over the counter without the stepstool and plunged his hand into the bag of cheese. Some ended up in the pan, for the most part though, he ate his weight in cheese.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Cupcakes & Happiness

- lemonade
- sleeping in on weekends
- rebuilding trust
- unexpected calls
- sunsets
- vacations
- smell of fresh cut grass
- braids in hair
- opening up to someone
- running in the sprinklers
- waking up feeling good about yourself
- photos
- shampoos that smell good
- ice water
- surrounding yourself with happy people
- end of a school year
- sunshine
- good hair days
- compliments
- getting rid of insecurities
- being determined to change
- infectious smiles
- watermelons
- cooking something for the first time
- baseball
- lazy mornings
- cookie dough
- long drives
- people who make you feel okay just by being around