Saturday, June 21, 2008

Guitar Hero

So Ben took Morgen back out to the tournament today to see if he won. He took fifth place on the hard level. I think his score was 100,000 points off of third place. Which I guess isn't that much in the game. He had a great time and it was all for a good cause. CMN received all of the proceeds. Morgen got a cool shirt out of it as well.

I was still teaching skating and Markus and Max had a good time skating as well. Some kid fell and broke his nose though and there was blood all over the ice. Afterwards Kate came to teach Max piano, and give him some new things to work on until after she has her baby. She is due next week with another little girl. So fun! Anyways, after that I went to Costco and bought gas and some salmon for dinner tonight. I tried to get it at wal-mart the other day but it was all kind of sick looking! Then I went to wal-mart (yet again) for Morgen. He needed something that wasn't on my list the other day. So much for going to the store once a week. How about once or twice a day.

Then I came home and cleaned up the backyard and got the table and umbrella out. It was a great night for a barbecue. The boys all loved the salmon and Morgen and Max each had two pieces. Karsten, Morgen's friend ate over as well. They played on the tramp after and then we played Frisbee out front until it was too dark to see it. Then they played fireman on the tramp in the dark. Which is basically when they squirt each other with the hose. After they were all freezing they came in to take a hot bath. So now at least they are all clean for church tomorrow.

Well, I am tired, I got up early to go on the tri club bike ride this morning before the tournament. It was a beautiful ride up millcreek. There were a ton of boy scouts up there camping at camp tracy and you could smell all the campfires. I love that smell. I could also smell the bacon they were cooking. Yum. The creek was really full and making that rushing noise as I was climbing. The birds were chirping in the trees, it was beautiful up there.