Saturday, October 25, 2008

BYU game

Kailey, Morgen, Markus, Aria & Max at the BYU vs. UNLV game today
Our front row seats were courtesy of Monet's boyfriend from last month. (The one she went to the ball with - see post from 9/15/08) He played football for BYU in '86 and he gave us tickets before he and Monet broke up. I thought that he wouldn't still want us to have them but he is a really nice guy and didn't mind at all. So we were able to go in spite of he and Monet not going out anymore.

It was a great day for a ball game - especially since BYU won!
I was a little bit sad that Morgen missed his last LAX game today. Max missed one of his hockey games as well. But how often do you get free tickets on the front row to a game on a beautiful fall day?

We sat right next to my parents and Cole

Ben, Max, Markus, Aria, Morgen & Kailey