Monday, December 8, 2008

Bahama Mama

Monet has been in the Bahamas with her boyfriend since last Wednesday and
I have been watching her girls. They are so much fun to have around, always so well behaved (except for when Kailey was at her Dino Snores activity at Thanksgiving Point and was sent home early for sneaking in to the boys dorm rooms) (or when Aria was losing her coat and sweater and socks and ...) and so much fun to talk with. Their school is out in Draper and it was a bit of a challenge to get them dropped off and picked up on time everyday while picking up my kids from their different schools up in the cove. I think they had a fun time at my house though, at least they seemed like they were enjoying themselves. It was especially fun making dinner with Kailey last night and brownies for dessert. She is such a cute girl and I really enjoyed sharing this time with her. Monet gets back later tonight but she is going to come pick them up before school in the morning.