Wednesday, April 8, 2009

American Idol Recap

So I have been watching American Idol and have not really been that into it at all. I liked the girl from Sandy, Megan Joy, at first but the last few weeks she has just been a little off. So last week when she was eliminated I wasn't sure if I would even watch it this week or not. Morgen kind of likes to watch it with me so I did. But honestly, I am not that impressed with the talent on this year. Danny is okay, and Adam does some different things sometimes but for the most part - yawn- it is a little boring. Sorry. (Now I sound like Simon - lol.)

Morgen really likes to watch Lost, which don't get me started on. I mean seriously, Lost is a great name for it....completely lost every week when I do watch it. Makes me crazy that they never answer any questions from the week before. Just introduce new ones. Morgen gets mad at me if I say anything about it though. He told me last time, "Mom, some people like it. It is called suspense." Well okay.

I had my haircut today as well. It is kind of short but I like it for spring. Ciao.