Saturday, December 3, 2011

Six Times A Day

{Are you getting tired of hockey pictures yet?}

{Max had his Terriers game this morning and had 4 goals and two assists to help his team win - 10-5 vs. the Black Bears}

{Markus had his Terriers game right after that at Acord and scored the first goal to celebrate and rode on his stick afterwards!!! His team lost 7-6 though.}

{Then Markus had his second game of the Grizz Cup Tournament at 3:15}

{They tied the Davis County Wind White team}

{They are giving out MVP awards after each game at this tournament and Markus' friend Karsen received it for this game}

{Max was invited to go to drop-in with his best buddy, Che, today and Markus had his third game after that}

{Markus played great but his team still lost this one to the Davis County Wind Red 4-0}

{Morph Maniacs}
 Max's friend Che had a game tonight as well and invited Max and Markus to stay afterwards to watch the Skating Utes play the BYU hockey team. Markus, of course, wanted to stay with them, as he thinks that Che is HIS best friend! ;) So I let him stay and Che's Dad was nice enough to take them home with him after the game, so I could go to this fun concert with my friends!

{The opening act was Jon McLaughlin}

{B, Nicole, Laurie, and Heidi}

And the headliner was

Stephen Kellogg and The S6ers

{I think I am getting too old for concerts. It was really loud! lol}