As you know, I just returned from the East. This trip renewed my soul.
I had some times that made it hard to breathe, and ones that made my heart just pound. They made me cry then and still do now as I remember them.
One was while I was visiting the 9/11 memorial and I have mentioned it already. And I wanted to add that it changed me forever. I sat at that fountain and just cried as I felt the richness of freedom and life and what we've all experienced. Life truly is beautiful.
Later that day I took the ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. I had been inside it once before (I'd only been to NYC once before as a six year old) but this time was different. The views were breathtaking and the sea air so full of life.
On the ferry I was talking to my sister Lara taking in the view and these young girls from Ireland asked us to take their picture before they started talking to us. As we listened to their thick Irish accents it brought to mind my Irish Mooney ancestors that may have been on a boat on a day just like this one coming to America. I felt so grateful for all that they sacrificed to live in this beautiful land and it made me want to give back. And I cried. Right there. With this beautiful city view blowing me away, the ocean under my feet and the beauty of the Statue of Liberty and all that she represents in life, I just cried.
My eyes filled with tears at the opening ceremonies in Cooperstown when I saw over 1,200 12 year-olds file in to the ballpark. What an opportunity of a lifetime for me to see Max so full of joy. Watching Markus last night chasing the fireflies through Central Park and his face lighting up when he caught one, I choked up again.
And then a storm swept in. I said good bye to NYC and walked from the park with rain on my skin, warm air all around me, the lightning flashing and the sound of thunder and the smell of rain and wet pavement. My soul was full of gratitude.
I just read this on a blog I love to read. "I hope that we all will have moments that tap our souls and make us feel something - something that is greater than life. Seek after these moments. See the beauty in your life. It is all around you."