Monday, March 28, 2016

What Dreams

In the dream, my camera fell into a hole in the frozen river. I had been standing on the ice with Markus. Max and Morgen were skating around. I could see their heads bobbing like bobble heads. We were talking about skating in the 30 year anniversary of Christmas Eve on Sesame Street with Big Bird. When I leaned into take a picture, my camera slipped from my hand. I skated past my mom on the bridge down to the riverbank where I jumped in. The water was deep and cold. I swam in circles feeling for the camera, all the while, I thought about the photos I lost. Some other people dove to the bottom but couldn’t reach it. The river kept on going like a waterfall. After this went on awhile, I gave up, and wondered who would take my place skating with Big Bird. I woke up then fell asleep again. The waterlogged phone floated to the surface, pictures still in tact.