Friday, September 30, 2016

Life is beautiful

It’s called transcendence. They are moments as thin as a razor’s edge.
The first time I tasted a French croissant in Paris, my legs went weak and I had to lean against a wall to finish it off because I was so overwhelmed by the taste. It was like all the first kisses of the universe wrapped under gold foil. Once someone I loved ran his finger along my collarbone and it burned like fire. The night before I left London, England I sat on an ancient bridge with my arms wrapped around my umbrella and watched the stars reflect on the Thames river. They seemed like fireworks because my tears blended the light and water like a watercolor painting. I’ve awakened to find my toddler’s face close to mine and the morning light highlighting his innocence and sleep so perfectly that I never wanted the moment to end. I remember one particular favorite moment when I had finished doing a show as a skater and as I was driving away from the venue, I had the distinct feeling that if I turned left my life would go one way (toward a relationship) and if I turned right, my life would go another direction (to college), and I got to choose. I paused at the stop-sign and in the beauty of that gift from God and got to ask myself what I really wanted. I turned left and I have been with that decision every day since for the last twenty-four years.
I don’t seem to put much importance on the small tasks of my life, but if I could string my favorite moments together over the last (over) forty-four years, I think I would see that my inner life was more magical than anything I could have dreamed of when I was young. My inner and outer lives run on parallel tracks, both with different destinations. When they do happen to cross, the moment hangs in the air like a round ripe peach on a tree. I get to pick it and put it in my scrap book. I can say, “It’s been a beautiful life.” 
Remember, they are called moments because they do not last very long, but the small silent moments are the true story of my life.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

thankful people

  • i'm happy when i eat fresh fruit
  • when i burst out laughing
  • when i discover a new song
  • when i finish a good book
  • when i wake up and feel relaxed
  • i'm glad to have friends
  • family
  • a home
  • food when i'm hungry
  • hot water when i shower
  • i love being able to live
  • and see the seasons
  • to have gifts at christmas
  • and my birthday
  • to travel sometimes
  • to have a good education
  • and great access to culture
  • i'm flattered when people compliment me
  • when people smile at me and are
  • polite to me
  • there are so many things that make life so simple and easy
  • i will always think about them more than any bad things
  • i don't have time to be sad everyday and ungrateful
  • i have every reason in the world to be happy

{are happy}

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


  1. Cole
  2. James
  3. Gavin
  4. Coach Beau
  5. Boston
  6. Cutter
  7. Beau
  8. Cole D.
  9. Aiden
  10. Jared
  11. Jaxon
  12. Markus
  13. Will
  14. Konrad

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

K-12 Max


Monday, September 26, 2016

Anything For Hockey

Murray 2016-2017

On This Team...

we do slashing
we do SNIPES
we do FIGHTS

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Senior Year

{Senior Year for these beauties: Bucky, Aaron and Jake}

The years between 17-20 are times of huge transition, as a young man adjusts to becoming an adult. It can be confusing and stressful, a time when they're trying to figure out what they want to do with the rest of their life. Even though Bucky isn't working, he's still trying to juggle school work with working out and hockey practices nine times a week. I hope that this year will be as care free as he remembers it to be. I want to take advantage of the time and do all I can to pursue my sons and become their biggest support system and cheerleader.

Here's some ways that I try to serve my young adults, who are both seniors, one in high school and one in college now:

  • I sometimes surprise them by cleaning their room during a week that is particularly busy (mid-terms, a big paper is due, going out of town for hockey tournaments).
  • On certain days, busy days I guess, I will do their chores for them.
  • I make sure their favorite snacks are in the fridge.
  • I will buy their favorite candy, and leave it on their pillow.
  • Even though they both do their own laundry, sometimes I will do it for them just to help them.
  • I love grabbing lunch with them on a spontaneous lunch date. 
  • Sometimes, if they're studying I'll bring them a snack. 
  • In the morning when Morgen is leaving for school, I will sometimes bring him a glass of oj. 
  • I make sure that they know our home is always open for them to bring their friends over. 
  • On Saturday mornings (when I'm not working) I make sure the house is quiet so they can sleep in a little. 
  • As they run in and out of the house, in between school and hockey, I make sure I tell them I love them, that they are important, and ask how they are doing. 
  • I ask how I can help them, to make a busy day more bearable. 
  • Sometimes I take them out for ice cream just because. 
  • If they're hanging out at home with a friend, occasionally I will suggest that we jump in the car, and I treat them to McDonald's dollar menu. 
  • I make an effort to get to know their friends (and said friends call me 'mom' in the process). 
  • I treat them with r e s p e c t. They are young adults. 
  • Sunday mornings I make their favorite breakfast, since most mornings we are all grabbing breakfast on the run. And make sure we are connecting as a family and keeping caught up on each other. 
  • I let them know that we're on the same team and I want to help them. We work together to come up with a plan and I try to respond with grace if they are struggling in any thing. 
  • I text them and tell them I love them.
  • I look for opportunities to talk with them and ask what's on their minds, and just be generally available. 
I have an amazing calling as a mom, and I'm so glad it didn't just end when they became young adults. There are so many fun ways to bond with them as they are growing up. They are unique, they're not me. I need to remember that and find ways to help them succeed in becoming the men they're meant to be. What are your ideas for supporting them and encouraging them as they transition into the next season of their lives? 

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Best He Ever Had

[Best date he's ever had! Max + Preslee = Homecoming 2016]

[top row: Drew, Aaron, Jake, Bucky, Trent]
[bottom row: Lindsey, Julia, Lexi, Preslee, Isabelle]

Day Date included breakfast at Elwell's, drive to Spanish Fork, hot springs/hike, photos before dinner at Market Street, THE DANCE, haunted house. And smiles all around for this group. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Radiate Love

{one small moment at a t i m e}
  1. give an eskimo kiss
  2. start a tickle fight
  3. say "you're so brave"
  4. race a grocery cart
  5. make up a secret handshake
  6. gaze at the moon
  7. "I love the way you did that!"
  8. take a deep breath together
  9. ask "what are you grateful for?"
  10. dance in the car
  11. race to the nearest tree
  12. give a hug
  13. make shadow puppets
  14. bring him a drink just because
  15. have a silly face contest
  16. play the abc game on road trips
  17. make animal sounds
  18. share a piece of birthday cake
  19. jump on the bed
  20. scratch his back
  21. give a wink
  22. whistle a tune
  23. tell a joke
  24. give a high five
  25. say "did you know that I love you???"

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Interview Questions

Morgen had two job interviews 

So I decided to ask him my own 'interview questions'...

  • what is your favorite color? [orange]
  • what about favorite thing to do? [study]
  • favorite fruit? [pineapple]
  • thing to eat for lunch? [monster drink and spicy chicken sandwich]
  • favorite game? [world of warcraft]
  • favorite snack? [starbuck's frappuchino]
  • favorite animal? [ood's]
  • favorite song? [Techno something or other by EDM]
  • favorite book? [business accounting]
  • who is your best friend? [Serenity]
  • fav cereal? [Life]
  • favorite thing to do outside? [camp]
  • what is your favorite holiday? [christmas]
  • favorite dinner? [chicken casserole]
  • what do you want to do when you grow up? [accounting]
There you have it. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

She's still so unusual

{Cyndi Lauper in Concert}

{My sister's closet provided the outfit}

{And my hockey mom friend's provided the entertainment}

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"Brother, can you spare a dime??"

I remember going around with this hat in my hand saying that to my fellow skaters and traveling artist's in Shipstad’s & Johnson’s Ice Follies, when I was a four year old. The exhibit showed I was struck by how humor and the way I used visual and contextual symbols, like the hat, words, and a series of facial expressions collaged with other imagery to create a series of intimate layered portraits about my life.

Monday, September 19, 2016

boys who learn what they live

{If they live with encouragement, they learn confidence}
  • Tolerance: Patience
  • Praise: Appreciation
  • Acceptance: Love
  • Approval: Like themselves
  • Recognition: good to have Goals
  • Sharing: Generosity
  • Honesty: Truthfulness
  • Fairness: Justice
  • Kindness: Respect
  • Security: Faith 
// b o y s // live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live...

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Now Entering The


{Marko had his first game of this season today vs. Park City}

{He loves his hockey brothers}

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Serenity Again

I spent the last Saturday of the season eating eggs and toast, that Serenity made, finishing and starting new books, polishing off leftovers, buying lotion, and wishing we could have summer all over again.

Friday, September 16, 2016

I'm so glad I love them

As the last of the popcorn sat in the bowl, they rode their way up and down the street. One on the scooter, the other on the skate board—though they would have swapped for the thrill of it. Evening sun came in through the kitchen window and I thought this is as good as it gets, Serenity moved in with us with her little dog, Rocco.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Tail Whips

He can't get enough. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Surround Yourself With Inspiring Beings

Wednesday: oatmeal, work, read What Alice Forgot, salad lunch: spinach, chicken, vegetable and berries, Markus practice, Max had two, snacks, showers, saw a cloud look like a witch, sleep.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Six Sentence Stories Of My Life

she breathed songs, stories, and laughter.

her name was synonymous with fall.

you could always find her dancing.

she celebrated beauty and ran barefoot.

beautiful things made her happy cry. 

she loved life and told everyone. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Suddenly you made my day

Close to six thirty, the red bovi glowed from their gloved hands inside the OR. The anesthesiologist seated him in a corner chair where the cesarean section commenced straight away. We tried the usual positions from birthing ball to left sims with peanut ball and took turns visiting the bath while the other one sipped slushie and tried to finish a small pelvis birth. Getting to the rink was a race against how long the boys could sit at the table before they burst out another skate and dinner would end with chalk talk and ice cream.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

15 Years Ago

The day of remembering all the people once working and living.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Keep Calm and Skate On

Saturday: night shift, eggs, Serenity and breakfast, scooters, games, snapchats from Vegas.

Friday, September 9, 2016

A Son Who Sings Is A Happy Son

Earlier in the week, Cyndi Lauper's Girls Just Wanna Have Fun performed by the Piano Guys played in the background as I read bits of a book from Konimari’s The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up and at the same time answered math questions from two boys. I was reminded of the beautiful belief in terms of studying and singing.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Hi there, friend!
I actually dared to ask Max's new coach today for a photo with him. 
He's headed to a tournament tomorrow with the Renegades. Right after school and packing. 
Grab your camera and let’s go!
xo BB (Peach Diaries)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

this is my year


{and my momma told me to be bold}

{to rest}

{to take five deep breaths}

{to just be still}

{to dance it out}

{to sit in the quiet}

{to ask for what I need}

{to even ask for help}

{to tell my story}

{to choose love}

{to seek joy}

{to let myself be held}

{to nourish myself}

{to stand in the light}
{to reach out my hand}

{to see the everyday beauty around me}

{to believe in me}

{to let in laughter}

{to get outside}

{to listen}

{to follow the sun}
{to sing}

{to say yes}

{to open up just a little more}

{to set boundaries}

{to nurture the song inside me}

{to play}

{to let go}

{to notice gratitude}

{to share what I know}

{to believe in me}

{to find my shine}

{to choose love again and again and again}

{yes, yes, yes}