Saturday, June 24, 2017


Good morning, Salt Lake City!

1. A pleasurable birthday bicycle ride shared with a sparkling, spirited friend. Do you ever have that special, meaningful friend bringing adventures and activities to your life? I do. And that someone was my ride-mate and inspiration all the way through the Holladay City.

2. Shawna met me out in front of her house and I took her for a delicious birthday-breakfast at a restaurant called Waffle Love.

3. Cycling through the city streets, all marked with bike lanes. Painting white lines can't be that hard! Those bikes took us to the Holladay Boulevard Zumba festival, followed by a day out in beautiful weather in very good company. Company that we've shared since 2003. 

Good afternoon, SLC!

When: 2:30 a.m. Who: An otherwise nice dog. Where: On my stomach. What: Pouncing. This was a first. Funny and flabbergasting. Oddly charming that he would wake me up to tell me that Max had come home. I still chuckle at the memory. It was nothing compared to that nice but energetic dogs snoring.