Thursday, February 13, 2020

My Kind

 oh, love. 

You’d think with all of the posting I do for my boys activites that there are no other people in the home (or no work to be done, for that matter!).

And although you already know I have so many reasons to be crazy in love, Martin has already chosen to inspire our love, by giving me flowers every week, I sort of fell in love with him for another reason this morning. And it looks nothing like the other. Well, sort of.

I suppose that’s what bedrooms are for, yes?

Anyway, my dear lover Martin (who is probably the most gorgeous man you’ll ever meet) gave to me to make as an art project this image today, and gracious you guys, is it not AMAZING?

I recognized the omelet shape immediately as a heart, but what I really love is that he special ordered the cookie cutter. Anyone know where I can find that shape? Of course! The cutter is on Amazon (thanks, Martin!)

I love the idea of dressing up the bulletin board, rather than the headboard, particularly if said decoration is handmade (and yes! mine are by Martin!). Why not draw your eye to the love, rather than the work that needs to be done.

Anyway, yes. I’m totally rocking this heart rug in the mudroom, that he ordered for me from Ikea. 

And then he invited me to stay with him and not go back and forth with where I choose to sleep.

Let’s see, shall I sleep in Heaven tonight or Paradise?