Saturday, March 7, 2020

Junior Prom

for the love of hair.

My son's junior year of high school, he fell in love. It was a short-lived romance that quickly evolved into a long-distance. Which was perfect for me, because it meant I didn’t have to worry as often.

Which meant that while my anxiety was growing, Natalye's hair was also. I had always dreamt of having long hair, flowy and fabulous. Natalye's was quite flowy & fabulous, it grew quite long and Markus was quite proud.

I had Martin take these photos, which explains why they are so good, since I had never done anything remotely similar in the photography region. I learned later in the evening that my lack of prom etiquette was a dreadful mistake and that the equivalent of two love-birds were moving about the capitol in all of my son's pictures.

Still, I was a bit excited by the prom. What if one in the group leaves earlier than the other? What if I cry while dancing with my youngest son like I did with Max?

I commissioned all my courage to take a stab at it first. I wanted the perfect corsage. One that would match her elegant gown and be feminine. One that Markus could understand how to put on.

That florist was Every Blooming Thing. She prepped quickly and had a steadfast hand. I remember the detail. Dear Lord, the price.

I remember the cold breeze and the scent of perfume upon my hands, shortly after the photos were complete.

I remember the loving look on my face when Natalye said she may have been the luckiest girl alive.

And I remember the face staring back at me when I looked into the mirror. The face of my own, happier than usual, with two prom dances with my sons, to remember.