And what a good day it was too. I took the boys to school this morning then went swimming since it was supposed to rain, but as it turns out, it didn't so I could have gone for a bike ride after all. I went to pick up Markus from school and he invited his friend Hudson over to play. Those two little guys are so dang cute together. I took some photos of them together last week when Hudson came to play as well and we went to the farm. (Twice, once for fun and the next day for a field trip with school.)
After round trip number three to the school, I took Max and Markus to their baseball games. Markus' team had a tie, so he thinks they are still undefeated and Max's team won 8 -2. What a perfect night for baseball, I was loving it just sitting there watching the boys play and listening to the tunes on my iPod. :)