Saturday, May 9, 2009

Fun Run

One of the activities from yesterday ... the annual fun run at school.

Max has been practicing on the upper playground at recess for a few weeks now, when he does, he tries to keep up with Max S. who has won the fun run for the past 5 years.

After the run, Allison handing out Popsicles to all the participants in the race.

Max S. won the race again for the fifth year in a row and my Max tried his best to keep up with him.

Ben Adams and Max
I could tell that Max was disappointed that he didn't win, but okay with the fact that he had tried his hardest.

Max & B

Max & Ben

My friend Nicole was there to watch her two daughters, Hannah and Olivia run as well. (Could my glasses be any bigger?!!! I look like a fly!)

My cute friend from Bunko, Heather, was watching her son Sam run also.

Markus was so excited to finally be able to participate this year, he has been a spectator for so many previous fun runs.

He is a fast, fast little runner and throws his head back when he runs (like Chariots of Fire).

On your marks, get set, GO!!!!
All of the kindergartners were so excited that they had two false starts before they really went!

Markus tied for second but ended up getting a fourth place ribbon, which was pink and so he promptly gave it to me!

When they wrote the 4 on his hand he tried to wipe it off because he knew that he had come in to the finish line second. He was excited that he still got a Popsicle though.