Friday, July 10, 2009


Sharon and Shawna both had birthdays within the past few weeks, so we decided to have a little ladies lunch to celebrate. We met at the Olive Garden and enjoyed the soup and salad while talking about cycling. Except for Janet, everyone at lunch - rides bikes.
(l to r: Shawna, Alissa, B, Lindsey, Sara, Sharon and Janet)

Later on this evening was Sharon's daughter, Hannah's, birthday party at a really cool park in West Jordan, that is now Max and Markus' favorite. They didn't want to leave and we stayed for over three hours, until the sun was going down. Smiley baby, as Markus calls Hannah, looked so cute in her Minnie ears. She had a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party since they just returned from a vacation to Disneyland and Hannah would not stop talking about Mickey and Minnie.
(L to r: Markus, Hayden, Sharon, Smiley Baby and Max.)
The boys really didn't want to leave the park but I told Monet I would go out to Daybreak and watch a special screening of Rocco's movie - Fly boys with her in their summer movie in the park series. So we headed out to Daybreak as soon as it was getting dark. The movie was sort of like a drive in only we walked in and had our lawn chairs instead. I posted a link to the event on my Facebook account and Kate, her husband Adam, Maryellen and a few of her friends came to it as well. The movie didn't get over until almost 12.