Thursday, September 22, 2011


Cakewalk is the game we played at  the school carnival today and it was a fundraising event. It is similar to a raffle and musical chairs. It was supposedly invented by the Revd Lewis Daly after the scales broke for the "guess the weight of the pie" game at the St Margaret's Church annual fete of 1869 in King's Lynn, England.

Numbered squares are laid out on a path. Tickets are sold to participants, with the number of squares in the path equal to the maximum number of tickets sold. The participants walk around the path in time to music, which plays for a duration and then stops. A number is then called out, and the person standing on the square with that number wins a cake as a prize (hence the name). When I told my sister that I was helping out at the carnival doing the cakewalk, she texted me back, "What do you do, walk on cakes?"

As a fundraiser event, the cakes were donated. Multiple cakes were given out, one for each round. Morgen, Max and Markus each played about six rounds before they won something.