I know, I know. I never should have started. But since I did it for my first child, I had to keep up the tradition for my second and third. Oh school picture day... cheesey, forced smiles, combed hair, collared shirts all set in a cheesey brush-stroked backdrop & a pile of pictures to show for it that go into the boys school photo scrapbooks. I could just save my $40 bucks but the Mom guilt kicks in & I cave...They are like a rite of passage in the elementary school years. Plus, now I can see just how much Morgen has changed.
Preschool |
Kindergarten |
First |
Second |
Third |
Fourth |
Fifth |
Sixth |
Seventh Grade |
Eighth |
Ninth (The year he didn't bring home the school photo order form!) |
Tenth |
Eleventh |
He may look all grown up now, but he is still my little boy. Love you Morgen.