Thursday, August 21, 2014

First Day of School 2014

Today was the first day of school for my little buddies.

My boys were up, showered and fed in impeccable time and also about 15 minutes early to school.

As I drove Markus to school I began crying. This is kind of a big deal for me--Max in high school?!  It's hard to believe it is Markus' last year in elementary school. I was happy and sad and everything in between. But I made sure he knew that this was a very happy event for him. As I drove him closer to the front door I gave him a little kiss on the cheek. And he gave me a big hug in return. 

{6th Grade}
6th grade

I deeply know that Markus is a leader among his peers. He understands that there is always someone who is suffering, 
someone who struggles, someone who needs a friend and he is that friend. He is aware of others needs, and he looks out for the boys who need help or support, or just a simple smile.

Max is a genuine, happy, kind, sensitive, confident and warm boy. He usually has been and because of those wonderful traits, he will likely succeed at all he does.

10th grade 

14th grade