and pretend I'm still at the beach |
- I arrive last week in California thinking we'll spend two days on our own surfing at the beach (if you don't know, I would rather spend the extra time in saltwater that heals everything). Gavin - a friend of Markus' who sprained his thumb in the game on Saturday morning - was planning on staying the extra day with us. He meets us at Venice Beach and stops to watch the skateboarders (I am a moron and am not nearly dressed warm enough). Michelle - his mom- used to live here too. We take a ride down the beach with some tandem bikes stopping over at the Santa Monica pier again. Gavin is not able to steer. I join her son and husband and we chat while the boys ride the ferris wheel again. A lovely time is had by all. My Venice experience is radically improved.
All by 100% happenstance! - LAX sprint: ran ran ran for the rental car shuttle, and made it.
- Evening snack: frozen banana covered with chocolate and nuts while watching the sunset on Newport.
Oh, and I found some seashells to bring home. This is something I'm never quite sure what to do with.