Sunday, April 2, 2017


PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania

1. Afternoon? Morning? Same difference. Max is text messaging while birds are singing. Rat-tat-tat. Tat-tat-tat...
2. With Italian sandwiches to go, walking through Fort Pitt, sun on our backs. Stunningly beautiful, sunny day.
3. Collaborative communication: we two successfully patched together an extensive speaker phone conversation with a non-speaking Marko.

There is the death of Stevie and Dewie to tell us about only he can't get the details out because he's crying so hard. It felt like everyone around us was looking. I took him off speaker and listened to him tell me all the details of finding them both deceased in their cage, only one of them had eaten some of the other. It was a sea of red! Rather un-sunny, but I listened until he calmed down and then told him I wished I could give him a hug.


Post update:

These were placed in their burial spot. 

RIP Stevie and Dewie