Thursday, November 7, 2019

My Favorite Conversation Starter

I'm not a fan of small talk.

I’m just not good at it; I want to dive in – faster, deeper, down into the depths of what makes us all tick. (I know you’re not surprised by this.) Like when I was talking with some friends or colleagues in the lunch room today, I like to keep a few intentional conversation starters in my back pocket for when the constant chatter slows to a murmur and the conversation is in dire danger of turning into weather observation territory.

I get that this isn’t cool.

It’s not effortless (you know how I feel about that word), and it doesn’t necessarily allow for an organic conversational flow. Still, it’s something I can’t shake – this need to actually know each other and not just know things about each other. I don’t know, it’s a thing I have. And so, I ask questions. This one’s a current favorite:

“What’s the biggest misconception people have about the role that you play?

Friends, this will turn into a five hour conversation, easy. This question covers so much territory – image management, self perception, relational observations. It is astounding the lies we believe on a daily basis. For instance, here are my answers, for a few of my own roles:

Role: Nurse.
Misconception: That I’m a hero. That I am co-dependent. That my life is easy.

Role: Working Mother.
Misconception: That I think following my dreams are more important than training my children.

Role: Christian.
Misconception: That I’m holier than thou. That I don’t have doubts. That I’ve figured it out. That I’m better for it.

Lies, lies, lies. See what I mean? This question is a shovel, digging hard and strong and fast into some really, really rocky terrain. It’s best asked in a trusted circle where vulnerability is an agreed-upon pursuit, completely void of comparison.

Anyway, I will give it a go. I will ask my co-worker that asked me if I would like to join them to learn some mountain biking skills. I'll tell you what happens. (I know you want to hear.)