Friday, November 15, 2019

An Outdoor Guide

Find your spot.

We creatures of habit have a particularly hard time veering far from our own comfort zone, don’t we? My own secret: carve out something cozy. Snag a place that’s familiar and easy – a nearby pond, a city park – and claim it as yours.

My sister has a specific spot in the park she walks to visit almost daily, and because it’s comfortable and well-trodden and we know precisely what to expect when we make the 45-minute trek, it’s an easy yes.

Adventure needn’t always be adventurous, is what I’m saying.

Try a nighttime walk.

If your days are less available for traipsing around with little destination, all hail the nighttime walk. Grab a few jackets and explore a sleepy world where sunsets are aplenty and brilliant colors emerge. Darkness has a way of slowing us down, of re-calibrating the beat of a fast-paced day. Take advantage of the quiet pace and roam just a few minutes after the sun goes down. (Bonus? Sleepier me = simpler bedtime.)