Monday, October 3, 2016

My life MY way

It’s my secret belief that even when it seems like everything’s going wrong in your life, there is ALWAYS something that’s going right. You owe it to yourself to find out what that is and bring it into your awareness. There is no someday, there is only today. Don’t let your happiness depend on when you have ______ and if you do _____ or get ______ and feel ______. Here are my top ten things today that are going right:
  1. I'm alive
  2. My boys are safe
  3. We're not just surviving, but thriving! #JustSayin'
  4. We have pure drinking water
  5. It's fall and the leaves are turning glorious shades of warm
  6. When I really needed help, someone gave it to me unexpectedly
  7. Halloween and cute costumed kids are on their way
  8. I've profoundly impacted someone's life
  9. Maybe even saved a toddler in the street today. or maybe not. but at least I found out where she lived and threw away her poopie diaper that was hanging off her naked little body. 
  10. Potlucks with beautiful souls