Saturday, January 14, 2017

Hygge (11 ways to win at winter)

slowing down, getting cosy, and taking pleasure from the simple things in life. 

  1. Cosy and comfy space - candles, lights, pillows and blankets in cuddly textures
  2. Ski/snowboard day - remember that zip-zop sound your snow pants would make as you trudge toward the lift? After you're tired from hitting the slopes, head inside for hot drinks and a few rounds of Pictionary. Lovely!

  3. Spa Day - Winter can dry out your skin and hair something awful. Massage and hair treatment, ah...
  4. Write actual letters - you know with a stamp and envelope 
  5. Winter Bonfire
  6. Visit Someone - call ahead to make sure they don't mind and bring along a meal or snack to share and maybe a DVD. 
  7. Seasonal Produce - grapefruit, pomegranate, jicama
  8. Try a hot new drink - in a travel mug for a walk around the neighborhood
  9. Plan regular on-going winter group activities