Friday, September 20, 2019

So Long, Sweet Summer

Summer is winding down, and I’m one of those crazy fools who starts mourning the loss of summer before it’s even passed. I can’t help it – my brain just trajects a million miles an hour, a racecar on the final lap. And yes, I do walk around with internal whiplash pretty much daily, you are very correct. So here’s my remedy for the unwarranted end-of-summer-blues:

So I generally show everyone I know the video's of Aria singing about them to make us all feel better (always an expert at presenting facts, this girl), like about how she will be attending school allllll the way over there in New York through a performing arts school (it’s called The New School, and you have to say it with a New Yorker accent, all pronounced and stuff: The NEEEW School) in search of stardom. And bam! They found it – would you believe it? – in OUR ARIA!?! They’re thrilled.

And we’re thrilled that they’re thrilled.

Summer and Aria, don’t leave. (But since you must, thanks for leaving pumpkin lattes on your way out the door…)