Saturday, September 14, 2019

weekend mash-up

 Happy Sunday, friends! 

I’m back from some family time today and am soooo excited we went to crash the state fair for a caramel apple and a meatball sandwich. Of course, I had way more fun since I was driving my new awesome Chevrolet Bolt (instead of a huge Chevrolet truck!) and one of my niece and nephew’s came too. I’m kidding, I suppose. Doesn’t matter what you drive as long as there’s a fair (whee! I can rhyme!) 

The truth is, I’m slowly learning to fall back in love with my western roots. Sure, there are great mountains (and beautiful mountains at that!), but it’s all in your perspective. Wherever you live, you’ve gotta make it yours and press onward. Besides, home is where you keep your vintage scrapbook collection, yes?

Happy weekend, guys!

I’ll sign off for now, but before I go, remember Marilee's Solar Panels? Yesterday, she sent over a sneak peek image of her new real estate agency (not yet on her site) that she just finished working on, which I posted above. Amazing, right?
Happy weekend, guys!
p.s. World Market is having a 50% off sale this week. I’ll be there virtually, of course!