Sunday, August 21, 2016

BTS Feast

I made a feast of salmon
Markus was not excited about the {Back-to-school} part of the feast and decided to cover up the sign...

Also on the menu: Caesar with fresh parmesan salad
Corn on the cob [no one needed it cut off!]
Fresh raspberries
angel hair pasta with alfredo sauce
and locally grown tomatoes

This year, I still decided to use my best china for the occasion.
Ben came over for their back-to-school father blessing's and Morgen said he preferred a parking pass instead.  That is because he decided not to live in the dorms for his senior year and save the $6k in student loans. 
Wise choice. 

The night was complete after we all indulged in a triple chocolate brownie with vanilla bean ice cream Max mixed up for us. Yes and YUM!

To see previous back to school's