Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A taste of summer

I can taste summer when I have otter pops on the swing with Markus

The boys of summer enjoying their otter pops inside the play room on this rainy summer day.

I took all of the boys over to the park today with their air soft guns and they had a battle in the rain while I ran around the park. Then after we came home, I went to get my haircut. By the time I came back they were almost out of bullets for their guns. Then I went to teach classes at the rink. Fixed tacos for dinner when I came home and Uncle Mark came over to play Portal with Morgen. He is cool, he called him this morning to see if Morgen would go to the mall with him. What a great uncle Mark is, wish he could be here more often. He is just in town this week studying for the bar exam at the end of the month, in Wyoming, where he is moving to next month. He has always had a close relationship with Morgen ever since Morgen was born.