Saturday, June 20, 2009


Markus loves it when his cousins Whitney and Josslyn come over. Sheri asked me to babysit for her Wednesday while she was flying and brought Shane's son Michael with her as well. She and her friend Ashley spent the night, because Sheri's husband Shane was flying Tuesday, Sheri Wednesday morning and Ashley in the afternoon. So they all came down together since they live in Preston, and made one trip instead of three.

Mark came over to hang out for a little bit Wednesday night before leaving for our trip to Idaho on Thursday. He is nice enough to come over and take care of Molly for us while we are gone and Max was so relieved. All week he has been asking me what we were going to do with Molly.

First he wanted to take her with us, but I talked him out of that one, telling him that Molly wouldn't have much fun on a ten hour car ride. Then, we talked about taking her to a kennel, but he was worried that the other dogs might be mean to her there. I thought that maybe our neighbors could just take care of her while we were gone but they were both going out of town as well. So when I asked Mark, Max was glad and could finally relax because he knew that Molly would be fine. Max really does love Molly so much. It is kind of cute the bond between a boy and his dog. Even though Molly is Morgen's dog, Max takes care of her.

Noah (Mark's son) and Josslyn (Sheri's daughter) are only three months apart.

My sister Sheri came over to pick up her kids at the same time that Mark did, so it was fun for Noah to meet Josslyn. It was a little hectic, in spite of trying to get ready for the trip and teaching my students out at the Accord rink (since their competition is out there) I said yes to babysitting. Being the yes woman that I am, and it actually worked out fine. Her daughter, Whitney was using my camera to take these pictures, so that is why it is such a belly shot!

Sheri is having her sixth baby in December and has been really sick for the past few weeks. With Shane's two kids, it makes 8 kids for them so they bought a new car as well. It is a Pilot but it has a third seat so it has a few more seat belts than her Ridgeline did. Since she doesn't have all of her kids living with her, she only needs the extra seats once in awhile.