Thursday, June 11, 2009

Yes (Wo)Man

Since it has been so cool outside for June (or maybe it is just the way that June is usually? As it was cooler last year as well.) I took the boys to to the indoor pool to swim today.

They had a great time once we got there. Max didn't want to go but Markus talked him into it. He was kind of grumbling about going and I said it's okay, you can just stay home and do some chores. He didn't say anything but rather got in the car. But after he dove in he swam around and came over by me and said, "I would rather do this than chores" with a smile on his face. They wanted to stay longer but I needed to get to the rink to teach. I have some students competing in a competition next week. But I told them we could come again tomorrow and that seemed to help a bit.

Max's baseball game was cancelled again tonight due to the rain and in fact they actually cancelled the whole play off series, to which he was very disappointed.

So instead of baseball I was able to go out to dinner at Cheesecake Factory for my 17th wedding anniversary.

Ben has been training so hard for the Ironman next week, that he decided we should go for a massage at

Massage therapy relaxes muscles, easing and soothing your aches and pains. It
rejuvenates-- restoring balance to our body and being, making us better for all
the things life throws our way.

It did feel good after the long ride I did on Saturday. Then I rented Yes Man! to watch at home. I thought it was hilarious. I think that I am kind of a Yes woman. I usually say yes to things. In the movie the girl that Jim Carrey is kind of going out with starts a jogging/photography group. I might just have to try that. ;) lol

Yes Man Pictures, Images and Photos