I came across a paper that Max brought home that I could definitely use. It is entitled:
Word Choice
A Definition
In good writing, the word choice is clear, precise and colorful. It is
marked by thoughtful selection of that "just right" word that conveys both the
meaning and attitude the writer wishes to project. Good writers learn to spend
words like money, making each one count. They also learn that strong verbs give
writing energy, while truckloads of adjectives and adverbs do little more than
weigh the text down. Strong word choice is free of ponderous, heavy language,
written only to impress. It's also free of fluffy language: nice, fun,
wonderful, great. It is clean, clear, and to the point - sometimes
quotable.I feel like I probably need to go back to fourth grade to learn how to write without using 'fluffy" language. lol
Hey, I am working on it. :)