Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fun at the Farm

When I picked Markus up from Kindergarten today I decided it was too nice of a day to eat lunch at home. So I packed up his ham sandwich and we headed to the farm.

He loved climbing in the big box elder tree...

I took a ton of cute photos of him and then when I came home and put them on my computer they were all messed up. I am really going to have to figure this camera out.

Markus is always talking about getting a tree house. The only problem is that you need a tree big enough to put one in. But someday I will build that cute little guy his tree house. :) Besides feeding the ducks, Markus is fascinated by spiderwebs. He kept pointing them out to me everywhere we went. On the bridge, by the river, on the tree, in the treehouse, under the bridge, in the get the idea. He is so intrigued by them.