Monday, September 8, 2008

Is that me?

Okay, fine... I'm doing this for fun.

The Rules: Mention rules on your blog -Tell about 6 quirks of yours (then I was supposed to tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same, but I think I will skip that part!) :

#1 I have to chew gum after every meal. Sounds like just an excuse to not brush right? No, after every meal - I get a craving for gum (I still brush though!). Usually Extra, but just about any gum will do. Lately it's been 5 Flare.

#2 I talk loudly on the phone. I mean really really loudly as if I'm trying to talk to the person who really is across the country in person, like they can hear me. Also, I am SO slow at texting, it is really ridiculous!

#3 I hate to backtrack or retrace my steps. I know it sounds silly, but I will plan out the most efficient way to get as much laundry as possible from downstairs to the bedroom so I don't have to do it over and over again. Or, if I have to run several errands in one day, I will map out a list of what order I need to go to those places in so that I don't have to backtrack.

#4 I have to finish the book that I am reading before I will start another one, yet I still go to the library every week and check out a new book or two. Why don't I just finish the book I have? I don't know. Maybe because I like the idea of knowing I have something else to read, or maybe it's that I might forget about some other book.

#5 I have a place for every thing. I very, very rarely lose things because everything has a place. I have rubbermaids, baskets, boxes, and all kinds of containers for every possible thing. It is so frustrating for me to misplace something I know I have, so I make a place for everything.

#6 You tell me... What are some things I do that you'd consider a quirk? Don't worry, you won't hurt my feelings. Quirks can be fun and interesting. So... you tell me.