Sunday, September 21, 2008

I love presidential election season. It's a time where anything goes and both the elephants and the donkeys pull out all the stops. One thing that has made this year's election even more interesting than usual is the appearance of Sarah Palin in the big time political picture. Just when I thought that nothing would top the styro-foam columns in Colorado, a bear hunting hockey mom appears on the scene. (One of Max's hockey coaches wife had on a t-shirt yesterday at hockey that said "This average hockey mom is NOT a Sarah Palin supporter"!) Honestly, I thought McCain's best move would be to name Mitt Romney as his VP. I remember listening to the radio when they announced that McCain chose Sarah Palin. Then I heard about her background. I was most intrigued by the fact that she sold the government jet. When I heard her speech from the other night, I was quite impressed. For one of the first times in my life, I heard a real person speaking and not a politician. I love the fact that she is from a small town, and that she went to the University of Idaho and not some Ivy League school. I am also impressed by the fact that she is not afraid to take on tough tasks and that she actually gets things accomplished. And in particular, I love to hear about Palin and some of her real life problems and how she is dealing with them. So what do you think? The floor is yours . . .