I just finished this book last night. (It is very short so I kind of fit it in even though I am still reading Breaking Dawn.) I liked it and thought Monet was right in saying that it could change the way you think about everything in life. It contains some very good wisdom. Sometimes when the author was talking about the "dream" I kept getting confused, so I would substitute the word thought for dream and then it made a lot more sense to me.
I had a great day today. I took Markus to the park and was absolutely loving the weather. Then after I picked up the boys from school, we went to Baskin-Robbins and they had my favorite kind of ice cream again. Yum! Then Max had scouts and I made spaghetti for dinner. Ben had a meeting and Morgen had scouts later so we went roller blading and Max was so excited that his friend could come. It almost made up for the other day when he didn't get to play with him. It was a beautiful night out on the parkway.