Saturday, December 31, 2022

Master Minds

When we don't master our minds, we risk building our lives on a foundation of flimsiness.


Find someone who has succeeded at what you aim to do and figure out how they did it. Research their background, hire them as a consultant, take them out for lunch...

There's no need to reinvent the wheel, and those who've gone before you can save you a crazy amount of time

money & heartache by sharing what they've learned. 

 Plus, surrounding yourself with proof of what's possible is the best way to sustain an excellent attitude.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Mental Money Maker

  •  Get clear on what you desire: be specific
  • What is your purpose?
  • How much money do you desire?
  • By when will you make this money?
  • Why do you want it, what is it for?
  • Hold the vision of this reality in your mind
  • Resolve to make it real
  • Fall so madly in love with your vision that nothing can stop you
  • Take action with hell-bent-for-glory purpose and faith

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Pay Attention

to what falls out of your mouth 

and what pops into your mind during skiing

& if it's negative, rewrite it

with new words & thoughts that transmit 
positive feeling, & say these new words
& over
& over
& over
& over...


Wednesday, December 28, 2022


We are all perfect

in our own magnificent

messed up ways

Laugh at yourself

Love yourself

& others

 Rejoice in the cosmic ridiculousness

Tuesday, December 27, 2022



Once you start shifting your mindset and getting into the flow with money, your energy will shift and many other parts of your life will start shifting too. When you transform your financial reality, it's not just about gleefully watching the numbers grow in your bank account, it's about who you had to become to make that growth happen. Max had to shed his old ways of being, and grow into someone who thinks big, someone who finds possibility more exciting than he finds excuses. Someone who regards his empty wallet, broken down car, and zero idea of how the hell he is going to pull this off as cute little hiccups on his path to greatness. 

Monday, December 26, 2022


Follow your desires

  •  Blossom into the fullest expression of your unique and fabulous self

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merriest Christmas to You

Everyone arrives on this planet with unique desires


& gifts

& as you journey through life

your job

is to discover what yours are

to bloom

& to nurture them

into the most authentic


& merriest


of yourself. 


Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve on Snow

Use your mind to deepen your spiritual practice

view human behavior with the understanding that we are all human

we all have struggles

we all feel pain

we all express ourselves 

in unique ways


Friday, December 23, 2022


Vague aspirations lead to vague results;
specific aspirations lead to kicking ass. 


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Candlelight Christmas

at This is the Place Village

gave me the idea to write down five accomplishments 

I'm proud of

five things I love about myself

five things I love about the life I've created so far.

Read over my list

and over it again all day. 

Write down any beliefs

that shift for you

or any aha moments

that come up. 


  1. Love
  2. Light
  3. Magic
  4. Showing you care for those you love. 
  5. Being good to yourself too.
Let spending time together be enough. 


Wednesday, December 21, 2022


Carol's Father Passed Away

 He had one glorious & brief shot at being the man that he was on planet Earth, and the power to create the reality he desired. He was the biggest, happiest, most generous, and fully realized human he could be. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

GNO Craft Night

Successful people

are tenacious

which means they keep the faith

much longer than the average person does.

Because of this

the average person tends to look upon the successful person 

before they have become successful.

Successful people must hold tight to their vision

while everyone around them is saying

what do you think you are, magic?
