Saturday, September 30, 2017

Wake Me Up

1. Thanks: Markus set up the net from the garage for the game.
2. Thanks: Mother Nature waited until after I left for work to let it rain.
3. Thanks: Christine listened to my sob story about Karsen's 14th birthday tomorrow (his first without his parents) at my second night shift in a row.

Plus Karsen and Kinyon, who came running into the car in their stinky hockey warm ups. Sweaty side way hugs never felt so good!

Friday, September 29, 2017


No breakfast.

Lunch #1 with coworkers was served at the women and newborn conference.
Lunch #2 with Morgen was served with delight at fulfilling his court requirements.
Lunch #3 with Markus was served with napkins before hockey practice.

No dinner.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Spa Night

Yes, I've blogged backwards a couple of times. I go by email and my calendar. Today is September 28, but September 26 isn't lost. This particular Thursday, however, was a Totally Original Thursday.

And with Totally Special People:
1. Laurie
2. Kelli
3. Heidi

and Naomi: who is getting married!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Apple of My Eye


More on this later . . . I will leave you with that while I attempt to find a moment in which to blog.

(I have been attending lots of events this week - it is hard work!)

Speaking of, I'd like to encourage everyone out there, as we move into my favorite season, to enjoy an apple. I propose braeburn instead, or anything vintage and shiny.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017



1. Historic? A team manager offers Max a $50 shuttle ride to LAX.
2. NAHL? Outside the super rinks, the sweet smell of success.
3. Full House? Max's teammate has a mom that starred in Full House.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Never Look Back

you're not going that way...

1. The furnace contractor gets my heat working again, pronto.
2. My friend's husband arrives to help negotiate the back door job.
3. After a near heart attack over the whole car malfunction in the middle of the drive to Idaho, Zen where I least expect it. I spend a couple of hours sending pictures to potential buyers. Check Engine Lights, Transmission fluid, gears humming, low frequencies buzzing after sea foam is added to the oil... it is unbelievably soothing.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Boise Fog

The city was steeped in fog so thick you could scoop it up in your palm like bubbles in a bath. When it lifted, rays of sun hit the skyscrapers like daggers piercing through sheets of snow. We returned at night to tuck us back into bed.

Saturday, September 23, 2017


My sister runs a travellers' hostel, where I met her for the weekend. Sister Hostels are where it's at. 

1. Chicken Enchiladas: Fresh from Sheri's oven.
2. Clean sheets: Fresh conversation from Shane, Josslyn and Connor.
3. Slammin': As in, Mmm, Fresh Slammin' Hotties from their hot tub!

Friday, September 22, 2017


1. Being introduced to members of a Boise hockey organization.

2. Having conversations with them about the hockey journey.

3. Talking about the journey on the drive to my sister's home, with me renewed optimism.

I want to mention it was a great hair day. I don't give it enough credit sometimes.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Do you remember??

The twenty-first day, of September.

I haven't fallen off the wagon. September has surprised me. Didn't Ernest Hemingway say that in order to write about life, first you must live it? I've been going the way of Heming, but my blog will soon again go the way of me.

Without further ado, this rainy Thursday:

1. Artists: Friendly sons, served with delicious cheesy bread and tomatoes alongside spicy and non-spicy thai at a noodles and co.

2. Creatives: Dinner with Markus sharing his editing of homecoming video skills, a free viewing of said edits and other nuggets of imagination.

3. Players: On the ride home, conversation all the way from the west end with one sweetie-pie from West Coast. Who really is a Spartan. Who is an adorable young man. Who thought Morgen would still be at college. Which he was not. Which was fun to hear about his group project.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Drowning in babies upon babies today,

1. kind words from California,
2. kind words from Minnesota, and
3. kind words from Utah.

Life really does change overnight. Yesterday, here I was. Tomorrow, new circumstances, moments with my sons never to be recaptured. Six months with his billet mom and dad. Will he find his utopia? I hope, yes! Perhaps something virtuous, to be included, in their time shared together.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
loads of laundry.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Hard Worker Hat

Somebody needs to catch up on her blog!

Sunday, September 17, 2017


There is something really special about teammates you can turn to. There exists quite a bond, actually. Think of all the hours spent together.

My son's friends at hockey:
1. share their meals, drinks and time with each other when hungry for any of them,
2. share clothes, hockey and team advice from a sweet pool of knowledge, and
3. share their feedback on their love life, love letters and anything else love-related.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

3 Games

Game 1: The hockey president introduced himself to us at a before nine game.
Game 2: I took nice photos of WCR at Roughrider's second annual host of games.
Game 3: Michelle invited us over for snacks, and the address to her new house, but it was a little too late for wandering through the streets and sitting in the dark all night.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Bonus: CO


I am blogging from Colorado this long weekend (I was called off last night from work). Colorado Springs is ‘New Trendy’ and it is my new favorite place in Colorado.

Just overheard at Pizza:  
‘Hi, I was wondering if you have a chocolate milk I could have – not buy, just have... I am out.’
‘Oh, it's ok, I can pay for another one.’
‘No worries!’

People here are VERY nice.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Love You Forever

1. Recovery: A long, deep slumber in my jogging pants.

2. Sunset: Lemonade on the front porch in my jogging pants.
3. Catch-up: yardwork, blogging in my jogging pants.

Bonus: flowers from Shawna

and from Marilee for birthday blooms

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Vitamin D

1. Tim emailed me about the banner-puck drop ceremony.
2. Lara emailed me from San Diego, newly settled.
3. Max emailed me from Simi Valley, newly re-settled.

And I got to read all those emails in the sunshine, in my bathing suit. Don't go, Summer!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


1. Over the moon: one beautiful letter from one beautiful boy.

2. Under the sun: hair trimmed, smiling all the way to the airport.

3. By the glow of the tail lights: late-night flight to California.

{The only one who misses him as much as me}

except maybe Preslee...

Monday, September 11, 2017

Moments We Never Forget

1. Breakfast moment: Warm sunshine in the backyard.
2. Financial moment: Enrollment in my first online finance course.
3. Car repair moment: Scooped up from work in a clean white Ford Fiesta.

Sunday, September 10, 2017


1. Time to tidy up my cluttered, chaotic space.
2. Emails from very nice people Max met at the Titans.
3. A long, quiet and productive evening alone.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Live Life

1. Darlin and her twins ride in the back of a convertible, holding hands and moving to the music, in beautiful sunny September.
2. NCC mailed results from the test I've been studying to take for two years.
3. Janice sent these from California. He's not eight anymore - he is a handsome young man!

Friday, September 8, 2017

This is 45

I have reflected on the good things in September instead of being sad today. It was the hardest thing in the world for me to see Max leave home for his hockey dream. So the first twelve hours were awful. Then, flip it! The next twelve hours were much better.

1. Friends: Sunny poolside backdrop for lunch on the deck.

2. Hosts: Unlimited free drinks and food at a birthday party.

3. Dancefloor: As self-appointed Official Birthday Party Planner, my ‘daughter’ Preslee ensured that the dining room table stayed decorated. She inspected the flowers for beauty and cupcakes, and I'm happy to file in my report that forty-fifth birthday parties should receive government funding and that sons deserve tax breaks for dancing with their moms in America. We did not get paid overtime, did not take any union breaks and dutifully submitted our paperwork early.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Sunny Days

1. Waking up to a smiling big boy's big brown eyes.
2. Enjoying cinnamon swirl french toast with him for breakfast.
3. Sampling belly flops from the diving board.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Sheep & Dog

Mercy #1: The sheep at the sheep dog festival let me sit there and photograph them in an attempt to feel bettter. The sheep dog trainers know what they are taking about: shepherding and bag piping works!

Mercy #2: Based solely on the kindness of my mom, I was admitted to the shaded tent-only party without my tickets.

Mercy #3: An awesome dinner on the way home, saving me having to cook.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


1. To relieve screaming children whilst trying to take care of their mom at work today, enlightenment: ‘time to get slushies!’

2. ‘I had a long talk with the owners today who agreed that we will need to fold the U18 team. All we need to do is give a few coaches a call and I'll have a spot on a team for him.’

3. A voicemail from each of nine of his friends/coaches in the States speaking about Max.

Plus, Markus, who still does have a team, was able to go to practice again after his back is feeling better after his injury last week (muscle sprain).

Monday, September 4, 2017


We Deliver

1. The ‘Labor Day’ for ‘labor and delivery nurses’: many hands made light work.
2. A woman stood up to deliver and the midwife handed her baby off to me to deliver the placenta. ‘Gee, thanks!’
3. Sheep Fest with Max; Dole Whip with Marko.