Wednesday, March 31, 2010

...out like a lion?

I thought March was supposed to be in like a lion and out like a lamb? Not the other way around!!! Crazy weather. Max is excited - he wants to go snowboarding again for spring break anyways.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The hockey season is officially over now. The Lightning team had their awards banquet tonight at Boondock's. Pizza, awards, laser tag, go-karts, games and XD theater were some of the things that Max had fun playing tonight with his friends from the team. I took my camera but when I went to take battery. It was still at home in the charger. Oh, well. It was a great year and Max is sad that it is over.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring has Sprung...

at least it felt like it yesterday.

Markus finally finished his antibiotics that he has been on for ten days (thank goodness for the pink stuff) for his Strep throat that he had. He had the same illness about this same time last year, hmm.... wonder if it has anything to do with the crazy spring weather we seem to have every March. First it's hot then it's cold....

So when Morgen asked if he could go over to his friend Austin's house today after church (I taught an Easter lesson to my primary class), I told the boys that we could go to the park after we dropped him off.

They were having so much fun soaking up the sun. Markus climbed this tree and informed me that, "It has tons of buds on it!" He was just asking me yesterday when the trees where going to get leaves on them.

Max came to sit next to me and kept asking me all kinds of questions about the sun, God and the planets. Of course I didn't have the answer to most of them, but I love talking with Max.  

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Brothers

Max's coach asked if he and Markus could go to the grizzlies game last night to skate with the Hansen brothers.

So they did...

For all of about ten seconds!

Markus didn't care, he was having a great time just being at the game. The Grizz won.   

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Max's 3 on 3 team "The Knights of the Silver Blades" went undefeated in the tournament today!

With two games this morning ...

and two more this afternoon, there were plenty of photo ops.
Max received a t-shirt for winning the tournament. In between the games Max went to play with his best friend - that he hasn't been able to play with for a long time. He was so excited. Markus had a friend come skating with us, as I went to teach on the public session in between games as well as going to five guys burgers and fries with Max's team. Markus still likes In and Out Burger better.

Friday, March 26, 2010

3 on 3 Tournament

Max was invited to be in a 3 on 3 tournament this weekend with his Knights coach, Steve. The first two games were tonight and he loved it. He scored three goals in the first game against the blue team, with three of his friends from the Lightning team on it.

They won both games and had a ton of playing time.

They beat the Sharks team 8-2 and Max was beaming when I went into the locker room. He loves hockey and was asking me after the awards night if he could go to some drop-in sessions so he could still play. He also said on the way into the rink today, "I wish that hockey was like football and had three practices and a game every week." When I told him that is pretty much what he has done this year (since he had two Lightning practices mostly every week and a practice and a game each week for his county team) he said, "Oh, it didn't seem like it." He just can't get enough.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Shelbee's Baby

My niece Shelbee had her baby boy on Tuesday. He weighed 7 pounds exactly and was 20" long.

When I went to see him today I wasn't prepared for how sad I would be. I knew that Shelbee had placed him with a family for adoption, since she is 17 and has not graduated from high school yet. And I know it is her decision and is for the best and all that and yet when I went to see her and she was holding that sweet little baby boy in her arms and telling me about how she couldn't put him down last night knowing that it was her last night with him, my heart just broke. She loves him and is trying to give him more. It is still so hard to watch her suffering. She was so emotional and I didn't know what to say through my tears. So I just held him and gave him a kiss goodbye. She was going home without her baby today and I think that would be so incredibly hard.

The family that she chose, came to meet him the day he was born and named him Benjamin.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Grizzlies Party

Max - along with his entire Lightning team were invited to Tristin's birthday party tonight at the Grizzlie's game. Tristin is Max's friend from the Lightning and his dad is the coach. All the boys had a pretty great time and the Grizz won as well.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

County Awards Night

Coach Christina presenting Markus with his award along with Coach Derek and Coach Matt

Coach Derek and Markus at the County Awards Night that was held last night.

Markus, Wyatt & Max

Markus loves skating with all of his friends from hockey. He also won a prize from the drawing, a mouthguard.

Markus skating with Grizzbee and two of the Grizzlies players.

Max's team opted out of the whole organized chaos, and instead held their awards ceremony at Big Apple Pizzeria.

Coach Steve went all out and presented the boys all with their own custom made poster as well as their trophies and a slideshow presentation that he made from photos that he has been taking all season.

The Knights really had an amazing season, and so I guess it is fitting that they had an awesome "closing ceremonies".

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lunch Buddies

My sister Sheri was up in Salt Lake today and called me to hang out with her little buddies, Whitney, Josslyn and Connor. She came over and hung out while I cleaned and we chatted and then went to lunch. I was able to hold Connor for so long today but it still didn't seem like enough. No matter how much I get to see him, it is never enough. I cannot begin to describe how precious he is, he makes my heart melt just looking at him. And then to smell him and hold his sweetness - forget about it. I am gone. I love him so much and want for him to be able to get a new heart sooner than later. Sheri asked me to go Boston with her next month to take Connor to the heart specialists there. They have a robot that performs the Glenn Surgery that he has to have done next and the incision that they have to make is a few inches compared to the whole chest from the open heart surgery they would have to perform here at Primary's. So she is going to see if he would be a good candidate for that surgery instead.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Fling Day 3

game 4 this morning against the Renegades: final score 6- 2

Quick bite to eat in between games

Game 5 and Championship round for third place against the Boise Steelheads

Lightning win the game and take third place overall.

What a great year on the Lightning Team for Max. He loved every second of it!

the whole team celebrating in the locker room

Max with his coaches: Andrew, Mitchell, Doug & Chris