Saturday, August 31, 2013

Ride Your Bike

Free yourself from life's confinements and enjoy every mile.

More smiles per gallon.

My little sister Darlin was able to return to her home and her friend Joyce - who is also a spiritual healer sent out an email. In it she said, "It's the complete and utter distortion of time that has vexed me the most.  Dates and days have been unfathomable, without substance and meaningless.  
We held our breath and existed in one expanded moment. We prayed that we would be spared, that our towns would have the opportunity to grow and flourish.  
Now, under magnificant blue skies, we are beginning to slowly exhale.  
While not wanting to lose the meaning of the experience, we are tasked with moving forward with renewed passion and vision.   
For me, the choice is that either everything has meaning & purpose or nothing does.  I choose the former.  
To think that nothing has meaning or purpose makes no sense." 

Darlin has read in the science of Numerology the year 2013, reduced to it's simplest expression, is the number 6 (2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6). She told me according to Faith Javane & Dusty Bunker's book, Numerology and the Divine Triangle, the keywords for 6 are: "family and social responsibility, service, love, compassion, counseling, healing, creativity".  
I saw the opportunity to manifest that energy was literally brought to their doorsteps.  In service and in Love, people opened their homes to those evacuated.  People brought cookies and sent bandanas and offerings of food to the firefighters at the Incident Camp.
In the local paper, Weekly Sun, writer Karen Bossick relates how just outside the immediate threat zone driveways throughout the valley "began to look like used car parking lots" as the community made room for the more than 3,000 evacuees. My sister was one of them. 
I saw the community rise to the best expression of the "6" energy. 

“It simply had to be. The clearing was necessary.”
Darlin's friend also managed to host a Bounce Back event which had someone offering Healing Touch, another woman doing chair massage and Joyce and her mini readings. She focused on conversations with all who came by to bounce back.  She created a "Silver Linings" sign where people left messages of the blessings they felt. Community members wandered around, talking about their experiences.  

The Incident Command camp is pulling out the remaining tents and tractor trailers today.  Darlin said most everyone is welcoming back the rhythm and flow that is natural for this time of year. They can breathe and we will forever remember the gratitude for having survived the experience. To all of you who prayed, thought good thoughts, made magic or simply held a space of love for my sister and her sun valley home: THANK YOU!!!

You may recall that Swiss Days is this weekend. I plan to take my boys today again like I did five years ago.  The flowers will be bursting forth, like they were on my bike ride this morning. Some changes in these landscapes as Autumn comes to greet us.  I'll be writing more this week. 
In the meantime, as the calendar definition of Summer comes to a close, I wish you Happy Labor Day and leave you with this from The Beatles:
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."

Friday, August 30, 2013

Useful advice

As an aspiring nurse, I’ve spent plenty of time in the hospital around nursing students. As a result, I’ve collected some useful advice from students on getting through nursing school. Some of these may seem obvious, but they can be easy to forget when you’re in the heat of the program!

1. Self-care is crucial. Get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, exercise and apply what you’re learning in nutrition class to yourself. You have to be able to take care of yourself before you can take care of someone else.

2. Work hard with a system that works for you. Different study systems work for different people, and even for different classes. For example, I take notes on my phone with an app I downloaded and then play them in the car on the way to and from hockey. Other methods include making up songs using medical vocabulary and using flashcards and acronyms. Find study methods that work for you. Nursing programs are hard, so make sure you’re putting everything you have into your classes. Remember that what you learn will be used to protect and save lives later in your career, so don’t just study for the grades—study to learn.

3. Develop good study habits and be organized. I find it helpful to prepare for classes by reading assigned materials that we will be covering a day before lectures, and then reviewing them within a day after the materials were taught. There have been scientific studies that say this is helpful to retain information. Being organized is important for almost anything you do. I use my calendar on my phone with all the exam dates and other important dates, and also a personal calendar for the daily tasks I need to do. There are plenty of apps out there that will help you with organization skills. 

{Kim B., me and Heidi T. = study group aka support system}

4. Form a study group. Nursing programs are unique in that the group of people you know will most likely be with you throughout the program and take the same classes as you. So I have made friends. Even if I prefer studying by myself, I still remember that nursing is a cooperative career where you have to work with others to give the best care to your patients. My study group of nursing students has also become my support system, since they know what I'm going through when I get frustrated or discouraged.

5. Get a NCLEX review book. I had a nurse named Brett at work that put this on the list of things you could do from the very first semester because he said I should be doing this even when it’s not crunch time.

6. Believe in yourself and don’t give up. I heard this at Morgen's high school commencement, and it applies to me today. When times get tough, remember the reason why I wanted to become a nurse in the first place, and call on my support system for help if I feel I've forgotten or feel too overwhelmed. I'm not the only one going through this, it helps to talk to my fellow nurses.

7. Remember to relax. Have a good sense of humor, don’t forget to laugh and breathe even when things get hectic.

Bonus advice: Be the kind of nurse you would want if you were a patient yourself. This is the nursing version of the “golden rule.”

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hockey Family

As a new school year came so did another year of hockey for Max.
The boys have been on a travel hockey team for four years. This year Max decided to add in high school hockey as well. We thought long and hard indeed,
I understand that if you want to be good at something you must put in the 
dedication and time in what it takes to fulfill that. While I am sure the boys would absolutely be dedicated, I wasn't ready to give up the family time.

Especially dinner time.

I believe for my family to be successful we need to be with each other as much as possible- especially around the dinner table discussing our day, sharing our highs and lows. I believe that this has been absolutely essential for when two of my boys have become teenagers. So I was so excited when I read the email from the high school team manager saying that she needed help organizing the Hockey Family Picnic! What a great way to spend time with my boys and their friends. She is also planning on having a dinner before every Monday night practice.  

They are talented boys, and I believe this will provide a way that they can develop their talent and feel special through hockey. Hockey has helped my boys become strong, independent, masculine, and learn to move and hold their bodies respectively and confidently.

I am grateful for that. They will take what they have learned and apply that in everything they do socially and physically - that, I am sure.

Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of School

The 2013-14 school year began.
My little buddy's left for school and we were on time- maybe even a little early. Max was excited to start a new year, excited for new friends and of course meet his new teachers. 

Markus, on the other hand, was not. At least until he saw these guys at school! Then his face brightened and he ran into class to meet Mrs. S. and start fifth grade. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Look Sharp

The boys looking sharp for our annual back to school feast tonight. Max and I prepared dinner, and here is what we served:

Barbecue chicken
Mixed green salad with homegrown roma tomatoes
Asparagus with olive oil and sea salt
Warm fresh egg noodles with butter and freshly grated Parmesan 
Chilled ginger ale
Ice Cream Sundaes

Since Max had his first young men's choir practice for general conference tonight right after dinner he stayed dressed up in his church clothes all day, which really is just like an unusual form of torture for him. 

Afterwards Ben came over to give them a priesthood blessing to send them off to school tomorrow. All I know is that my son's are fine, and really that's all that matters. As for Ben, maybe this can be the start of a friendship. I can only hope. Because friends are people who have things in common, and what can you have more in common than the commonality of both of you loving your children?

In a way, he will always be my friend, for only one reason: that he co-created my three favorite human beings on earth. That's a pretty good friend.

Of course sorting out the supply list was daunting but kind of fun at the same time-except Markus never wants to go shopping for supplies with us ever again. We went to Target on Thursday and he was so upset because he didn't want summer to be over yet. 

I am welcoming a new school year with open arms. I want my boys to succeed and grow this year. It's Max's last year in middle school. Next year I will attempt to teach him how to shave his face and wear cologne.
Blah!  But he is growing up and I am excited for him.

Max got a new backpack...last year. Markus got a new one at the end of last school year. Their Uncle Jeff got them.  

Max told me he was ready to get a new one again. So we went to the outlet mall last Tuesday. After he told me he wants to keep his old one after all since it will hold his Penny board. He wants to ride it home with his friends.

I have the coolest boys in the world.  They are beautiful souls.

Since we were in the neighborhood...

We also went here...

And here...

It has been a fun last week of summer with my fun loving boys.

I hope you have the week you pressure! Lol

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Promise

I am a woman of my promise.  When I promise the kids ice cream after a day of errands, I get them ice cream.  When I state a punishment, I am also a woman of my word, and I have been consistent with my own commitment to that promise (not willingly sometimes -because seriously, who enjoys punishing their kids?).  I don't just say, “If you don’t do X, then Y will happen.”  When will it happen?  After how much yelling?  After how much nagging?  Will I back out, secretly wishing they would just straighten up?  Nope. I start every sentence when I’m trying to redirect bad behavior with the words, “I promise…if you don’t choose to stop/start [insert behavior], then [insert consequence] will happen.”  The longer I’ve done it, the less painful it’s been for me to come up with a consequence.  At first, I struggled to connect the behavior to the consequence, but over time, it became more natural.  Just yesterday, I said, “I promise, if you don’t help me pick up the family room, we simply won’t have time to go to Max's hockey team party.”  Simple…straightforward…my boys turned into cleaning machines.  This afternoon, I promised my patient if she would muscle through Physical Therapy (she didn't want to go today after being up all night with back pain), I would take her a warm blanket and let her nap until lunch time.  I PROMISED, and I kept my promise.  I gently reminded my boys tonight when they came home that I’m a woman who keeps her promises…all of them. Even letting them stay out late for night games.

I can prove it: we’ve been home on Summer Vacation for 78 days, all but 3 of them at home, and no one is dead yet.  It’s a parenting miracle!

Friday, August 23, 2013

First Day of Nursing School

It’s that time. The beginning of a new adventure… the fresh smell of a new text book (or the er… not-so-fresh smell of an old book). 22 months on the official countdown to graduation. I can’t believe it’s finally here, I thought this year would never come. But alas, I made it! One more year closer to becoming an RN no matter where I was before. It took me a while to get excited for the starting of nursing school and the school year, but today I met my pharmacology instructor, Julie, it's starting to settle in and it’s feeling pretty good.

Honestly, I was feeling pretty bummed out as last year wound down. It wasn’t until I really reflected on my 2012 that I started to get into the “new year spirit.” It really was a pretty fantastic year. I finished it off with my CNA certification, which opened up the doors into this whole new world of nursing and changed my life. I started gaining more confidence in my self, I applied, and I got hired at the hospital of my dreams, and have done pretty well getting in to school.  It’s been full and exciting, and I only wish I had given it more credit as I said goodbye to those last seconds.

But after I got a chance to reflect, I really got a renewed energy. Excited about starting something new. 2015 is graduation year! In 22 months I will have that cap and gown on, and hopefully a short time after that I will get to add RN to the end of my name. And by this time next year, I hope I am working as a licensed practical nurse, doing something that I absolutely love (hopefully my dream job working with babies!).  There’s a lot of opportunities ahead, I am looking forward to embracing them all and making it a fantastic year.

So school is starting. New texts, new highlighters, new notebooks, new classes. A great way to start off a new school year, embracing the first quarter of nursing school and giving it all that I’ve got! I want to ask some experienced nurses at work: What should I be thinking and doing as I start on this journey?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

I Love My Sister

I had fun last weekend, even though our little vacation with my sister and her fiancé was cut short by the fire. I’m beyond nervous and I can hardly wait for the text from her every day saying that she has been able to return to her home or start teaching again. This is going on six days in a row! As I have been thinking of things I can do to help her, I have been thinking a lot about my sister.
Skating has been my career, so I love referring students to her when they go up there: I do love my sister, so very much.
She is my best friend and my rock. My life would not be complete without her. She is kind, talented, giving, funny and unbelievably strong. I look up to her and admire her for what a great coach, (soon to be) wife, friend and sister she is.
One completely happy moment we had was shortly before having my second child. She had gone shopping with me to walk around and get my labor going - as I was five days over due. After she talked me in to getting my ears pierced, we talked about the unknown gender of my baby and I told her how I'd like to have another boy. To that she said, “If you have a boy, then Morgen can have what we have.” We both started crying.
My boys are so lucky that they have each other. Having a sibling is one of the greatest gifts in this world. I’m grateful for all mine and love them with all of my heart.
Last year, when I was beginning my journey to be more healthy and making a lot of big changes in my life to do just that, my beautiful sister wrote me a special note. I think this is great advice for anyone:
“I just wanted to send you an email to let you know what a great mom I think you are!  I can’t imagine how hard it is to juggle work, family and friends.  Talking with you today about feeling guilty about how much time you spend with your boys and family made me think of something.  No matter how much time you spend with your kids and family you will still have mommy guilt and think you should spend more time!  Even though I don't have kids yet, I still feel guilty sometimes.  I don’t think that feeling will ever go away.  We just need to know in the end only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you. You have handsome, smart, energetic, intelligent and outgoing boys… they are such a reflection of you and what a great job you do.  I love you so much and admire you even more for the wonderful person and mom that you are.”
When I helped her pack her things on Friday before the mandatory evacuation she said, "Just remember. You aren't what you OWN."
I love my sister. If you are lucky enough to have siblings, too, tell them how important they are to you.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Right Now

Today the boys wanted to go to Seven Peaks again before summer was over and school starts on Monday. But when we arrived there, the parking lot was empty and the gates were all locked. Apparently since some school districts started this week, they decided to close early. We did not give up however, since we already had our swimsuits on we tried the local outdoor pool but to no avail. Same story, different location. Finally we tried the indoor pool and this time found some water to swim in. Even though summer isn't officially over until September 21st, this summer I spent a lot of time loving my boys “as is.” No comparisons to their brothers; no thoughts of what skills they need to have mastered by a certain date; no worries for problems they may never encounter—just loving them right where they are now, today.

{Today is all we know for sure that we really have.}
To my boys: Today I took a few extra seconds to kiss the top of your head before you go. I said, “I’m sorry,” and “I love you” because they are life changing, comforting, and healing words. I chose to focus less on your faults and more on your smiles and sense of humor because they light up your face. I listened to your words and stories without judgment and impatience. I gave you a little extra time to shower and fix your hair just right, and listen to your knock-knock joke. I caught a glimpse of you that suddenly reminded me how much of a miracle you are. I remembered you are more than your achievements, more than your academic performance, and more than your behavior. I hope you saw my eyes light up, not because of something you did, but simply because of who you are. I want you going to bed knowing life is better because of you.
Today I wish you to fall asleep feeling loved right now, today, just as you are.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Makes Me Smile

Nineteen random things that make me smile (Big). 

Sunday, August 18, 2013


CURRENT MANDATORY EVACUATION AREAS--Take your essentials belongings and pets and GO NOW
**Galena Summit south to North Fork (SNRA Headquarters) on both sides of Hwy 75 including Easley. 
** Glassford Heights North to SNRA on both sides of Hwy 75 including Fox Creek, Eagle Creek, Chocolate Gulch and North Fork Trailer Park
**Hospital bridge south up to and including all East Fork on both sides of Highway including Broadway Run
**Greenhorn Gulch, Golden Eagle, and Timber Gulch south down to Treasure Lane west of Hwy 75
**All Indian Creek, Ohio Gulch, and Heatherlands (includes Valley Club)
**All Deer Creek from the Hwy 75 west
** Treasure Lane south to including Aspen Lakes west of Hwy 75 (does not include Northridge)
** Croy Creek Canyon from Big Wood Bridge west
If you are physically unable to evacuate call 911
All Services to these evacuated areas will be discontinued
You will not be allowed to re-enter the area until the danger has passed.
All public lands from Galena Summit south the the SNRA Headquarters are closed on both sides of Hwy 75. Additionally public lands north of Hwy 20 to Galena Summit are closed west of Hwy 75.


When I read this on the county sheriff's website I knew that the 94,000 acre Forest fire that started August 7th from lightning meant business. I'm continuing to pray for the thousands of firefighters who are risking their lives to save my sister's and 2,200 other people's homes and all the wildlife.