Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

{With my little sister Sheri at her birthday/Halloween party!}

Sheri's 37th birthday was yesterday and every year she holds a huge party at her home in Preston. This year was no exception. So after church I took a beautiful fall drive up through Logan canyon and enjoyed the Idaho countryside on the way to celebrate my little sister. It was a beautiful day and a fun filled party! She had everyone dress up for Halloween and had a special arrangement with her bishop to bless her two youngest children, Josslyn and Connor as well.


{Max dressed up as a blue super fan and his cousin Whitney was a Gypsy!}

{My mom with Markus as a scary goalie!}

{Cole was wearing a gas mask, not sure what he was supposed to be - An Exterminator?!}

{Markus was letting Connor wear his mask.}

[Cute baby Connor went in for his heart check up on Thursday and found out they are going to do the other half of his heart reconstruction surgery in about six months. His doctors would like to do it now, but since it is RSV season, they are putting it off until Spring.]
The Menu

{So Cupcakes!}

{Fear the Greens}

{Witches Buns}

{Mummies Delight}

{French Ghosts}

{Snow White's Speciality}

{Witches Fingers}

{Creepy Crawlers}

{The Ghostly dining room}

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Trunk or Treat

{Ward Trunk or Treat tonight}

The Ward Trunk or Treat was held tonight and the primary was in charge of planning it. Which means lots of work for me! For many many years, I was ashamed to admit this, ashamed that it would reveal me as a party pooper (or worse). But I’ve been in the business of begrudgingly half-smiling through the month of October for a good long time now, and I’m finally comfortable enough with myself to say it:

I do not like Halloween.

Now I know many of you DO like Halloween. Love Halloween! For many of you it might even be your favorite holiday. This post is not meant to convince you of the error of your ways; in fact, I’m glad for you that you love Halloween. Go forth and decorate your front porch with all manner of smiling pumpkins and sparkly witches! I’m just talking about myself here. Venting on the internet. Anyway: no need to feel defensive, is all I’m saying.

But I think the trunk or treat turned out fine and there were over 200 people in attendance, which is a pretty big turnout for a ward party. We held a chili cook off with prizes awarded for the most spicy, most original and best overall chili. And then I had everyone sign-up to bring either corn bread or rolls to go along with it. One of my counselors, Aja, brought donuts for dessert and the children all played games in the primary room and on the stage before going out to the parking lot for the actual trunk or treat. I thinnnnnk everyone had a fun time and I know that I was glad when it was over! :)  


{Max = The Blue Super Fan!}

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Show Must Go On!

{My student Toni skated in the Minnie Mouse group}

{While Annie was one of my clowns!}

{The Clowns skated their best program ever tonight!}

{My Grim Grinning Ghost group came out to socialize!}

The show must go on...even though one of the supervisors at the rink told me right before the show started last night, that I couldn't put one of my ghosts on the jump harness (as I had practiced with him for six weeks and at dress rehearsal) because he thought it was a safety concern. I talked to Tamara, the show director and she told me to go ahead and put him on it. That is what the jump harness is made! (Ha!) It made him look like he was really a ghost flying through the air and everyone in the audience said, "Oh!" when the spotlight hit him. It turned out great and no one was harmed. lol

Friday, October 28, 2011

I'm a Woman

A couple of my students from the other night were trying to see how far they could throw the snow after they stopped. How lucky am I to be able to teach skating and get paid for it? I was trying to think of some things today that I can be glad about and this was one of the things I came up with almost every time I contemplated that question.

I’m glad I’m a woman.

I’m glad I’m a teacher. I’m glad I’m a mother. I’m glad I’m a Mormon. In fact, my mormon-woman-teacher-and-motherness is the core of my personal identity, and I recognize it as the source of my greatest blessings and opportunities for growth in this life. I am not, however, a perfect mormon-woman-and-mother (gasp!). Seriously, I’ve got issues, don’t I? I'm lazy and whiny and angry and lustful and jealous and aggressive and mean and I choose going to the movies over going to the temple. I walk out of the grocery store in the rain with three kids clinging to the cart, and when I realize that I forgot to have the cashier scan the milk, I go back inside and pay for it, but mad that I have been inconvenienced. I don’t mention all this because I want to revel in my faults or air my dirty laundry. I’m saying it because it’s true, and as the old saying goes, the truth will set you free. I don’t know… sometimes there is so much comfort in being with others who not only see the good in us, but know all too well the less than desirable parts of us and love us all the more not even in spite of, but maybe because of, our faults. I think about allowing that nakedness between souls so that we might understand that we are all still on a journey and we might use what strengths we have to lift one another in our weakness.

I'm constantly struggling between worry and happiness. The thing that helps the most, I think, is knowing I’m an individual spirit who’s had specific life experiences. I’m the proud possessor of a human body, with its attendant weaknesses, and gifts, as well. In other words, what might come naturally to one woman might not come naturally to me. This seems obvious as I type it out on the page, but I remember a time when I didn’t fully understand it, and that misunderstanding led to unnecessary suffering and self-condemnation. I’m also (strangely?) grateful that I’m capable of mistakes. This is the capacity we must have, and struggle against, in order to progress. This is the capacity that enables me to stand with my kids, as we help each other understand the pain that comes from mistakes and the life-changing power of those lessons. This is the capacity that allows me the empathy necessary to lift up the hands which hang down and strengthen the feeble knees of my fellow brothers and sisters.

I am a natural woman. And today, I’m glad.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween Parade

{Markus dressed up as Sidney Crosby today for the school parade}


{The children paraded by so quickly that I could barely get a photo of Markus back!}

{Decorating ghost cookies was one of the activities at the party}

{Along with filling up ghost bags with popcorn}

{I always enjoy spending time in Markus' class}

{Crafting a pumpkin}

{Listening to and telling ghost stories}


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dressed for Success


Be A Clown
Success. Dress Rehearsal for the Halloween show was that is. My student Amanda decided not to perform a solo this year and instead joined the adult synchronized skating team. I think it might help her overcome her fear of skating in front of people if she is with a group of twenty other skaters. My little clown group on the other hand loved being in front of everyone tonight and couldn't wait to run through their program a second time. It's Showtime on Friday!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"As is"

{My student Jake's mom sent me these photos today}

{They decorated their car and came to the game last night even though her son is on the A team, so nice!}
I know I have said this before, but I will say it again. Is there anything better than people who accept us for who we are? Friends who know our weaknesses but laugh them off and frankly forgive us? It means a lot to me. In this world where people scream at others for making a wrong turn or choosing the wrong word or neglecting the tiniest detail, it is so refreshing to know people who say, “You’ve got skills.” “You're doing a great job.” “It’s OK." And I’m especially grateful for these people– Morgen, Max and Markus– who spend every day with their feisty, forgetful, overscheduled, silly mom. They laugh off my quirks and work around my weaknesses. I try to do the same for them. Who gives you leeway in your life? Who accepts you ‘as is’?

It's the best!

Monday, October 24, 2011

First Lightning Game

{Max, Marko & Morgen}

{Markus on his Lightning team for their first game of the season!}

{They played great against the squirt  B Grizzlies team}

{Even so, they still lost 4-0 but Markus had a great time. Though I found out right before the game that he does indeed have strep throat. Argh! The Dr.'s office called me on the way to his game to tell me the three day culture had come back positive. So even though he is doing much better today he will start antibiotics tonight after I go pick-up his prescription. What a trooper!}

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Club

Last night my neighbor called to welcome me to her club. We all belong to exclusive insider clubs. Don’t worry, these insider clubs have absolutely nothing to do with the stock market. The only way you can join an insider club is to pay the price. The members of insider clubs are pretty tight because outsiders just don’t seem to understand. Last week I dusted off an old journal which had been sleeping under my bed. I read what I had written ten years ago about being a mother. Man, did I have a LOT to learn. The membership benefits of these clubs include increased humility and compassion. Before my surprise induction into the club, I felt superior to some women. I have now had many opportunities to partake of the poison of my previous prejudices. I now have absolute confidence in the most revered member of ALL our insider clubs. The Prince of Peace has already paid the price and invites us to join his club. It was during my years as a parent that I figured out there was NOTHING I could teach the Savior about pain and suffering. He is a member of ALL our insider clubs and He knows how to lift our burdens if we’ll turn to Him in humility and faith. Join the Club.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Top Shot

Cole in his shooting gear

He has a scope on his gun for accuracy

Grandpa helping Max set his sight

Markus even got in on the action

But Morgen was the most enthralled with shooting the SKS

Picnic before the games began

My sweet mom and dad who organized and planned the activity

Max was pretty proud of his shooting skills
I even remembered how to shoot a few rounds
Morgen loves to watch the show, Top Shot, on tv so I asked my mom to let me know the next time she was going to take Cole shooting again, as they go quite a bit. So she did. She planned a picnic and called to ask me what my boys favorite foods were and told us where to meet her in Provo Canyon. It was a beautiful day and such a fun activity for the boys. Thanks Mom and Dad for taking time out of your busy schedule to help lift their spirits after one long week...I love you.