Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hockey: Believe, Dream, Inspire

By Max - for his 'Reflections' Entry

Hockey: Believe, Dream, Inspire

Lace 'em up tight, 
Prepare for the fight. 
See the shining ice, 
With goals you see twice. 
Feel your skate glide, 
Through the powerful stride.
Touching the puck, 
Would just be your luck,
But think quick before you are struck.
Five others fighting for it, 
Don't ever let them touch it, 
If only you want the glory of the goal! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I Knew It

I could feel it last night when I went to pick up Max from practice. Sore throat. Itchy eyes. Fever and chills. I couldn't stay in the rink that long - sooooo cold. 

Strep Throat 

I was in the middle of clinicals today and decided I better go see the doctor to rule out the flu. Sure enough it is Strep. Yucky. 

I think the ONLY thing good about it is the love from my boys...bringing me soup. And ibuprofen. And crackers and Popsicles. I love my sons. I'm grateful for them every single day. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Get Air

Get Air is a new trampoline arena that Markus is obsessed with. I thiiiink we have been five times since they opened this month! 

Big Air: First hour $11
Second hour for $7 more

Activities include: 

Ninja Obstacle Course
Foam Pits
Dodge Ball
Parkour Course
Slam Basketball
Rope Swing

Markus wants to have his birthday party here next month.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Bliss In The Bleachers

{Marko, Cole & Sam}
During this 2014-2015 hockey season, the Regulators '03 Peewee team, won the Aspen Fall Festival, with a 4-3 come-from-behind overtime victory against a strong Colorado team.

The Regulators players bonded all season because their parents bonded, and maybe this team unity made the difference. During games, the parents sit together and pull for the team as if each Regulators player was their own. 

From the first tryout session, the parents genuinely enjoyed each other's company and talked at the rink. Early in most practices, some parents would do an "eats' run to the nearby Wendy's, and bring back food for the moms and dads in the stands while the coaches put the players through their drills. Players get the vibes we are sending, and their attitude is the same. 

{Coach Greg had a pizza party at his house tonight}
Team unity begins with the coaches, the leaders who set the tone. Pre-season parent meetings stressed what the team will mean for the players and the coaches also stressed what the team can mean for the parents as well. Actions speak louder than words, when they promise each player "fair and equal" opportunity to participate in practices and games. This promise by Coach Greg and Mikko - to saddle no player with chronic bench warming - goes a long way toward eliminating much if not all resentment that can put parents against coaches and players, and parents against one another. Everyone wins with equal opportunity as our Regulators have this season. Parents enjoy the season, and players are carrying the team as far as their abilities permit. Sometimes the team goes all the way, as we did in Aspen. *

I love being with these parents who make a special effort to assure that hockey remains enjoyable for their whole family while their sons are playing. They want to make sure that when their children move on to the rest of their lives, they leave with memories of fun and fulfillment.

Youth hockey has long been an enjoyable activity for the entire family; aunts, uncles, siblings, grandparents, especially when they come together to create a positive environment.   

With participation in sports optional, this season has provided fun and fulfillment for all the families. For the players like Markus, who like to win, and also for us parents who sacrifice and cheer for them. We all deserve to enjoy ourselves, which is the major purpose of youth hockey. Teamwork wins games, and parents are an important part of the team. These memories will last way beyond the hockey season. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Take Time

Take time to do what makes your soul happy...

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Great Moments

Come from great opportunities. 

Max scored the first goal of the Grizz game tonight in his second shift.

Markus was taking a selfie...

Grizz tied Eagles 2-2

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Everything you want is on the other side of fear...

Everything Max is doing this year in hockey is what he wants. He just returned from Springfield late Sunday night, high school game on Monday, practice and dry land last night at Steiner and video session followed by practice tonight at Acord. He told me his favorite part of flying to all the tournaments is EVERYTHING! lol

He touched the nose of Abe Lincoln's statue which is supposed to mean good luck. With that and how hard he has been working, he is brave, bold and breaking boundaries. 

It's better to cross the line and suffer the consequences than to just stare at that line for the rest of your life.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Janet - pictured far left - and I had a meeting of high school trustee's tonight. Her son Alex is graduating in June and that leaves a spot open for being the team liaison between coaches, players and the board. I don't really have any expectations for next year but it will be a new experience. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Things I Am Happy About

I urge you to 
Please notice 
When you
Exclaim or
Think or
Murmur at some point
"If this isn't nice, I don't know what is."

{Ham and Bean Soup}

My first day of Med Surg 2 started today and I expected to be there from 8-5. Instead after 1 hour, my instructor said that we could go. I couldn't believe it. An unexpected day off. So guess what I did? I came home and made soup. 

Morgen started his first class of this semester and I dropped him off on the way to hockey. Max had his last regular season game for high school and Markus had a practice at the same time. And at the same rink. Max has loved playing this season. His coaches, team mates and fans have been incomparable. And they won the game tonight vs Skyline 4-3 to be undefeated (except for Viewmont). 

Tonight's List of Things To Be Happy About

  • an unexpected day off
  • people who smile when it's raining
  • soup
  • butterflies in your stomach
  • compliments from strangers
  • mango smoothies
  • being on time
  • late night showers
  • catching up with old friends
  • snow angels
  • people telling you that they miss you
  • feeling pretty
  • new semester
  • cold water to drink
  • discovering pretty songs
  • happy sons
  • boys sitting in the back seat with a book
  • long walks
  • being brave enough to be authentic 
  • yummy smell of dinner ready in the crock pot 
  • being confident
  • clean sheets
  • reading old messages

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Two Peas In A Pod

{Darlin is having identical twin boys!!}

{Monet gave her a baby shower today at her home to celebrate}

{Sierra and Kailey helped to make it a success}

{Darlin + pregnant = Beautiful}

{She looks like she is barely big enough for one baby let alone two in one pod!}

{My niece, Nadalynn, also just got engaged over Christmas}

{Yummy treats}

{So much love all in one room}


💕 Baby Advice 💞 

Lara: Take time to play with them, forget about cleaning, play games, read books. 

Sheri: They grow up so fast...enjoy them while they are little - take a deep breath will pass. 

Monet: Own your mistake, it's okay to not be perfect be real - tell your kids how it is. 

Kailey: Keep photos and videos of your kids growing up. Make a disc! 

Sierra: Not the amount of time that you spend - but just make time for meaningful interaction. Quality time. 

Nady: Little things - notes, little momentos, memories. 

Aria: Keep things positive - always give encouragement and help lift up spirits. 

Brenda: Give correction in a positive way - instead of "no" say "stop". Tell them they can do ANYTHING. Read. Read. Read to them always. 

⭐️ Extra tip ⭐️ Have a night time ritual - it makes bed time easier. 

Take Me To Church

Markus' friend Sam spent the night last night after the game. On the way to hockey practice this morning he asked Markus what time his church started, to which Markus replied, "It starts at 10:45 - I'm going to the Oval church today!" 

Bishop Steve was presiding. :)

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Make Some Noise

For these mom's and their boys!!! 

After a long day at work today it was fun to go out with the Regulator team to watch the Grizz win vs the Thunder. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

You Become What You Think


{Take One!}

{Every moment is your opportunity}

{Consider how very fortunate you are}

{I communicate with love}
{Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you}
{Complain less, breathe more}
{Be a part of life, not afraid of it}
{Make the choice to let go of negative thoughts}
{Let be, let go, let see, let flow}
{You are a walking, breathing wonder}
{You have a beautiful soul}
{Give thanks for another day of loving}

Last night, while talking to my sister-in-law friend, Robyn, she reminded me that you become what you think. I appreciate her inviting my boys and I to swim with her family, as they were spending the night at a hotel downtown. Max slept over, while Morgen, Markus and I just enjoyed the swimming and sitting in the hot tub before dinner, and of course, the company. I am so glad that we are friends.