Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

Markus wasn't feeling very well last night. But this morning when he woke up he said he was feeling better. And he wanted to be in the parade with his All-Star team. So I dropped him off with his coaches and an hour later after I had run in the Fun Days 5 k he was still in the same spot! He was crying because his fever had come back and he was sad that he had missed the kids run that he was sure he was going to win this year. Poor little guy was not having a fun fourth of July. I talked to him for a little while and he decided to stay and finish the parade route. Once the float pulled out and was moving along I saw him smiling and throwing out candy and otter pops with his friends. By the time I walked back to the end of the parade route he was ready to go to the doctor. Insta-care did a strep test which turned up negative so I think he caught the same virus Max had last week. Bummer. Just in time for New York. :( Hopefully he will start to feel better soon.