Friday, October 25, 2013

All We Have

Today—that’s where it’s at, my friend.
Today is all we really have for sure.
So I am SO glad today was a day I can look back on, in joy, and say today was not perfect, but it was memorable. Why? Because I encouraged. I smiled. I listened. I apologized. I waited. I cared. I tried. But above all, I loved … oh how I loved … and I HOPE my boys felt it from the top of their heads to the depths of their soul.
And when I wake up tomorrow and feel the pressure of future events, I will remember I am simply going to do what I can today. Today is doable. It’s manageable. It’s standing right in front of me requiring no plan whatsoever. Today is just waiting to be lived.

{Monster High girls I taught for tonight's Halloween Show}