Monday, September 29, 2014

Guess What?

Gratitude, that's what, and mountains of it.

Gratitude for incredible, generous friends who contacted me, and gave birthday love and compassion in the forms of bike rides (thank you Queen S!) and being a waffle love benefactor (thank you Sharon!). Tears were shed (mine) and Marko was actually intrugued each time I brought home gifts in surprise.

Gratitude for the Quadro (401 K) processes working incredibly quickly, which has meant money in my bank, in my wallet, and an easing of the delightful eye twitch I've developed over the last few months.

Gratitude for my work being so busy, which has got us over the corset-tight times financially, and has taught me more about what I want to do as a career.

Gratitude for friends who listen, who swear and/or pray for the boys and I, who care enough to offer to come mow my lawn (thank you Nicole).

Gratitude for my ward family who only see me every other week, but will be cranky on my behalf in an instant.

Gratitude for my boys, who will check each other but rarely me in our card games, and who always yell "I love you!" at me when they leave the house/car/room.

Gratitude amongst the thunder and lightning strikes, for being able to laugh and sing and swear and splash in this beautiful mess that is my life.