Friday, October 31, 2014

All Hallow's Eve


Do you like to be scared?

Morgen said you must go to Castle of Chaos. He went there tonight with a bunch of his friends and dressed up as a pirate - Captain Morgen. Haha! 

Here are some pics from this years festivities.

(Those are four of my favorite hockey players.) Markus, with friends Beau, and Cole decided to all dress up as Ninja Turtles. Gavin opted for a red morph suit. And then they trick or treated through not one, not two but three neighborhoods across the valley! 

We drove all the friends to Cole's house - coming home and spending the night before going to hockey practice at 6 am. 

Chili, chips, apple cider and apple slices at our house before heading out to drive everyone around. 

Max and his friend Jake had weight lifting at Praxis Olympic Lifting tonight for his Jr. Grizzlies team and they hung out afterwards, shooting all the little ghosts and goblins out his bedroom window with marshmallow guns. Yikes! 

Markus wore his Mr. Potatohead costume to the school parade this morning - since he couldn't wear his mask from the ninja turtle costume. I love that smile.

Now please brag about your favorite kind of Halloween. I will have to live Halloween vicariously through you next year because Halloween isn't quit celebrated the same way in junior high and Markus will be in the new one they're building next year. 

One of 14,000 things to be happy about: the sound of laughing children at Halloween school parades. 
I got a little choked up as it will be the first in sixteen years that I won't have a child in elementary school.