Wednesday, May 8, 2024

East Side Story

East and West Berlin were divided by a wall from 1961-1989

The TV tower was built in 1963

Check Point Charlie

Martin's cousin lived in East Berlin

He lived in West Berlin

after his parents were caught trying to escape in 1973

Connie and her husband Bruno

told us the story of how Martin came to see her after the wall came down in 1989

 She had not seen him since he was 3 years old in 1973. He came to her door and knocked and she thought, this guy looks familiar. I wonder where I know him from, he looks like Ingo (MArtin's dad) but a younger version. Then Martin shook her hand and said, Hallo Connie - it's me Martin and she just pulled him in for a hug. She had missed him for 16 years.