Thursday, June 6, 2024

Happy Birthday to...


the girl who has been making my life merrier

since 1994

Today, we have been texting her the 52 reasons we all love her

1. Her hugs feel so good you wonder how you can get another one without appearing needy

2. When she is happy you want to celebrate with her

3. When she is struggling you want to stand by her side

4. She can dance like the dancing queen of the 80's

5. The girl who brought us all together

 6. Started a Christmas ornament set for all of us and our girls 

7. Hope you know how many people freaking love and ADORE you

 8. Brought me flowers at work on a particularly hard day

9. Your adoration of Whitney Houston 

10. You love your mom and dad

11. Your love for your husband Aaron over that past 30 years 

12. I'm so grateful for her friendship

13. Basically our fearless leader

14. The girl who sees the world through rose tinted glasses

15. Who shares her beautiful vision with everyone

16. ALWAYS happy

17. Our mentor in all things art-&craft-related

18. Blow us away with your enthusiasm about things

19. You love your sister

20. Your smile is a gift

21. COLOR design & decor

22. Because of you so many people now have access to your brillance 

23. Queen of Color

24. The always optimistic friend

25. hype Girl

26. Your attitude even when you are feeling crummy

27. Generous with your talents

28. Hope you are spoiled rotten today

29. I love how hard you've worked to share your amazing gifts with the world

30. We are so lucky to bask and glow in your warmth

31. Humor & Love

32. So we can call each other the GNO's

33. Creation is your forte

34. You have 7 great kids

 35. Who also love and adore you

36. You are a cancer survivor

37. We hope you are enjoying yourself today

38. Enjoy celebrating you

39. Queen of the PARTY

40. Extraordinary chef and baker

41. Angel Mother to a special needs son

42. You painted this for my birthday

43. You are THE Great Artist Mom

44. You have the ability to make everyone feel like they are your best friend

45. For giving us all the gift of your friendship 

46. Your hairstyles over FOUR decades (90's, 00's, 10's, 20's)

47. You can talk and paint and create all at the same time
48. Give your time and talent to the church that you love and worship

49. You testify of Jesus Christ

 50. And forgiveness

51. Your love of Michael Jackson
    52. We are so glad that you were born.
Happy birthday.

X O,
Brenda & the GNO girls