Tuesday, September 17, 2024


on Saturday was fun

& Martin flew to Washington D.C. today
for US T.A.G.


Monday, September 16, 2024

Guess Who We Had Dinner With?

My parents!

 We went to take the tandem into a new bike shop to be tuned up since Cranky's has closed their service department due to going out of business. And next to the new bike shop, there was a new restaurant we decided to visit - Gary's Asian Bistro. And look who walked in?! It was so nice to catch up. I love my parents and I'm so glad that I was born to love.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Oh what a day

A Lovely Day

and the maladjusted chain tension on our MTB ride


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Hard Work

Martin has been working late every night this week

to calibrate all the Clarity systems 

before he goes out of town next week for his advisory committee


Friday, September 13, 2024

as luck would have it...

Fritz re-injured his leg today and
can only walk on 3 legs now


Thursday, September 12, 2024

choose joy.

In my nursing era
Max & Preslee made me three nurse shirts for my birthday

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


I Will Never Forget


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

enjoy your ride

enjoy your ride

hand in hand



by side


Monday, September 9, 2024

I was Born

to love

 Even on a Monday night, with a Costco run for dog food, a stop off at the auto shop for a bike rack update and walking the dog we still find time to love and eat dinner at our favorite Thai place. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

MY B-52

My 52nd birthday was filled with love

Tullie's for breakfast

Solitude for lunch

Settebello's for dinner

with all my kiddos

my sisters & Sierra

my parents 


and laughter 

for dessert

DJ Buckwild made a special appearance for dancing at the after party

all thanks to this fun guy for making it possible. 


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Love & Bike


lessons learned...

from my 52nd year


  1. ride w/the wind w/Martin 
  2. my sisters love me no matter what
  3. let go of stress 
  4. write my story
  5. enjoy time with my parents
  6. go on that trip
  7. choose to spend time with my kids and tell them how much I love them
  8. stay up late with friends
  9. walk. always walk. walk with no goal 
  10. catch every sunset
  11. get up early to watch the sunrise
  12. slow down
  13. be grateful
  14. listen to MY needs
  15. go on that bike ride
  16. have gentle expectations
  17. go to the beach 
  18. indulge in a little self-care
  19. recharge my mind & body
  20. set intentions each week
  21. happiness blooms from within
  22. don't try to seek happiness from elsewhere
  23. light the scented candles
  24. choose to take note of everything 
  25. all the blessings
  26. find joy
  27. small things and big things
  28. to commit to love
  29. and gratitude
  30. life will feel full if you do
  31. a shift in perspective can transform your reality
  32. enjoy my coffee outside
  33. savor the laughter
  34. how beautiful it is to let things go
  35. calm over chaos
  36. serenity over stress
  37. peace over perfection 
  38. grace over grit
  39. faith over fear
  40. I've learned that I don't have to react to everything that bothers me
  41. sometimes I need to breathe
  42. let it go
  43. protect my peace
  44. time is the only currency
  45. you spend it
  46. but you don't ever know your balance
  47. use it wisely
  48. hug a little longer
  49. love a little stronger
  50. forgive a little sooner
  51. smile a little sweeter
  52. When I stopped thinking 'it is what it is' and instead started thinking 'it is what I make of it' things changed in ways I couldn't imagine 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Birthday Lunch

My sister Marilee came up to work today to take me to lunch

and brought me flowers and earrings


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Life Is A Book

Every day a new page

Every month a new chapter

Every year a new series


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

When we became "us" again

Such a sweet memory

A night I don't think any of us will ever forget

 It came up on Carol's Memories from five years ago. I'll never forget this night she said, and it was such a great pic of all my beautiful friends. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Cute Cousins

Kelli's Birthday was yesterday

and her daughter in law Emmie
is due with her
 first grand-baby, Julian - tomorrow


art work

for the baby shower

for her grandson Ezra

her son Josh's first born son

is next month

Morgan & Emmie
are the lucky wife's of
Laurie and Kelli's