Sunday, October 26, 2008

Crazy Weekend

Whew! What a weekend, I need a day off tomorrow to recover from it. Max had hockey practice this morning and then we went right from there to church. Kailey came into my primary class with me and we had a great discussion with the boys that were in there about the three disciples of Christ that are still on the earth today. They were fascinated by that concept and were comparing them to the vampires from the twilight books. It was a crazy class, but they were very excited about reading the scriptures, so whatever works right? Anyways, after that I went to take Darlin's car back out to the airport for her, since she was flying back from NY tonight. She flew out there to be in the show at Rockefeller Center. She hurt her knee somehow while she was there and had an MRI done yesterday and is flying home two days early.

Then Monet came back to pick up her girls and they didn't want to leave. They were finishing their pearler bead projects and I was ironing them for the girls. Monet was with her new boyfriend Rocco in Twin Falls. Rocco is the director of the movie Fly Boys and they went to the opening premiere together. Monet met Rocco last month went she went to the opening here and she says he is her soul mate. So I was excited to meet him tonight, he was very nice and invited us to see his movie in Park City tomorrow evening. I am sure it will be fun.