Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Life {in bullet point form}

--Remember Blog Every Day in June? This year I am doing Blog No Days in August. It's awesome, you should try it.
--I feel the need to ease back into this. Hence, the bullet points.
--I think I may have forgotten how to write. All creative energies have been channelled elsewhere. (See what I've been up to here, if you're curious).
--[Insert grunting noises and poor grammar.]
--Morgen is officially a sophomore in college. He received his Business Calculus final results, and he aced it! Was also an A/B student in Accounting and English this summer. Pretty sweet.

--Yay, Morgen! 
-- On another note, I have been feeling so healthy lately. I haven't really lost any weight, all I do is hike with my boys and work school homework. I am brainstorming ways to keep myself in this good of shape. I like feeling this way.
--Super moon was nice.
--Morgen's 19th birthday was nice.
--Summer has been nice.
--Max got a summer lawn-mowing job that pays real money... we are excited and confused by this concept.
--That is all.

Congratulations on reading the most boring and ridiculous blog post of all time. I'll try to be better next time.... ;)